Welcome to earth, silence and bee-have yourselves!?

Filed under: Bees |

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Image by antonychammond
1. Along the Right Lines, 2. Preparing for Take Off!, 3. Sailing into Dover as Viewed from St Margaret-at-Cliffe, 4. Tears from Heaven, 5. To Bee or Not to Bee, That Is the Question?, 6. Pink Rose in the Frame, 7. The Eyes Have It!, 8. Rediance!,

9. Stepping Up to Great Dixter!, 10. Oast House, Twisted Tree, Hedges & Border at Great Dixter, 11. A Veritable Flood of Tulips at Great Dixter!, 12. More of the Gardens & Back View of Great Dixter, 13. Red, White and Blue (+ a Little Yellow) at Great Dixter, 14. In the Pink at Great Dixter!, 15. A First Look at the Manor House at Great Dixter, 16. Leading You Down the Garden Path at Great Dixter!,

17. Bordering on Genius at Great Dixter!, 18. A Sideways View of a Part of Great Dixter, 19. Vainglorious Green?, 20. Our Bonny Lass!, 21. The Final Setting of the Sun at Bexhill-on-Sea, 22. Another Look Out to Sea at Bexhill-on-Sea, 23. Backlit Beauty!, 24. Looking Towards the Seven Sisters,

25. Reaching for the Sky in Gillham Wood!, 26. The Mysterious Disappearing Pathway in Gillham Wood!, 27. Looking Through a Glass Darkly…, 28. Knole Gardens in the Frame!, 29. The Inner Courtyard at Knole, 30. A Sideways View from Knole, 31. Bambi at Knole!, 32. Rediant Beauty at Bexhill-on-Sea,

33. The Beth Chatto Gardens – Almost a Final Pond Look!, 34. The Beth Chatto Gardens – Blueming Beauty in a Sea of Green!, 35. The Beth Chatto Gardens – Red Hot Pokers!, 36. The Beth Chatto Gardens – (S)weeping into Pink!, 37. The Beth Chatto Gardens Float My Boat!, 38. The Beth Chatto Gardens – On Reflection, 39. Majestic Ickworth House, Park and Garden, 40. Willy Lott’s House in Constable Country 2,

41. Bridge Cottage in Constable Country, 42. In the Pink of Condition at Lovely Lavenham!, 43. Raising the Roof at Ely Cathedral!, 44. Glass Act at Ely Cathedral 1, 45. Happy Landings at Hidcote Manor Garden!, 46. Rediant Rose at Hidcote Manor Garden, 47. Into the Red at Hidcote Manor Garden, 48. Bordering on Genius at Hidcote Manor Garden,

49. Leading you Down the Garden Path at Hidcote Manor Garden!, 50. Leaves and Trees at Hidcote Manor Garden, 51. Hedging Your Way Around Rousham Park, 52. Lily the Pink!, 53. Blue Moon, 54. Simply Red, 55. Red Light?, 56. Lonely,

57. Enough to Make You Go Glassy Eyed!, 58. A Very Nice Orangement!, 59. Triangular Greens, 60. I’m Tickled Pink!, 61. Raising the Roof at Borde Hill, 62. You Won’t Be Bored at Borde Hill Gardens!, 63. Born to the Purple!, 64. Reddy Made Bottlebrush,

65. Dropping By Some Roses!, 66. Iris-descent at Penshurst Place, 67. The Bear Necessities at Penshurst Place!, 68. Is It a Squirrel? Is It a Hedgehog? Is It a Helmet? Is It a Dog? Is It a Combination of All Four?!!!, 69. What’s That Peeking Over the Hedge at Penshurst Place, 70. Flaming Red Poppies at Penshurst Place, 71. The Long Peonie Border at Penshurst Place, 72. Hedging Your Way Around Penshurst Place

Created with fd’s Flickr Toys

And many thanks for over 50,000 visits!

Question by .: Welcome to earth, silence and bee-have yourselves!?
How sweet is death when life is bitter,
Does life shape you or are you above conforming,
People line up in uni-form for their daily bread,
Then they go home and they go to bed.
Then they wake up and they become robots,
And then they get their colored piece of tree they call money,
Well, isn’t it odd how that ryhmes with honey,
Worker bees, each of them, hoping for praise,
If they keep getting the best honey they might get a raise,
They think when they die that it is the end,
But living their life is a scary trend,
Their bodies are weak, and their minds are numb,
They only respond to their programming no wonder they’re dumb,
They don’t want to feel pain, they don’t know what it’s like,
They are trained cowards and they bring in the nectar,
The cities are the hives and each bee has a small little cave,
But they don’t talk to their fellow bees because that disrupts the work,
Like a teacher asks for silence, yeah that’s where they were trained…
To not talk during class and the classroom is the world,
I don’t know about you, but I respect those who got expelled,
There is only a few teachers in the school and how would they survive if we rebelled?
“Grammar” eh? Good to see how well they programmed you, “sir”. Welcome to the house that Jack built.

Give your answer to this question below!

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3 Responses to Welcome to earth, silence and bee-have yourselves!?

  1. There “are” only a few teachers….. cool poem… listen to the teachers a little longer (for grammerical reasons) before you question their survival.

    August 15, 2012 at 11:37 am

  2. Very nice.

    But a lot can be gained though hard, drone-like work at the end of the day. There is a meditative quality to working the fields- or the hives, if you will. I challenge you to engage in this kind of work with an open mind. Open both to the insight to be gained and the identification to be got by doing the work of the man who does so out of necessity. And I mean no harm in this, I assure you.

    I say in regards to the teachers: dig deeper my friend, and remember that they too are human and though they are engaged in a noble calling they are still working for their supper and they don’t sign up to be caretakers and caterers to the emotions and whims of every student; its school, not daycare. Dig deeper and treat them with the respect you want for yourself and you may find- with an open mind- that they didn’t git the job fer nuttin’.

    grammar is very important if you want to be a writer or a poet. (whats the diff anyhoo?)

    Peace, man.
    Nice poem, keep up the good work.

    Rez Rostov
    August 15, 2012 at 12:30 pm

  3. Like the “there is” = Stuff the grammar.
    And you probably didn’t need to spell check either I bet(s).

    How did you know my poem (er rant) was about a meeting at school?

    Yep, and I know I overdo the punctuation.


    And live life as close to the wind as you can,
    At least until the coloured piece of tree is no more.


    Agree the peeing off part (your profile) definitely means I am doing a good job; I do tend to be sharpening my skills in that area.

    Live long and pee off if you don’t conquer! Good motto.

    No Way Jose!
    August 15, 2012 at 12:48 pm

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