We recently moved and we have goats. What is a cheap easy way to build a fence to keep them in.?

Filed under: Goats |

goat farming
Image by gfroerer
The goat farm in Pescadero where my mother and I buy our cheese.

Question by chargergal86: We recently moved and we have goats. What is a cheap easy way to build a fence to keep them in.?
We are in the process of remodeling a house but we need to go ahead and get our goats moved because we dont want to sell them and most of our money is going to supplies for our house so we need something thats will work and thats on the less expensive side.

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3 Responses to We recently moved and we have goats. What is a cheap easy way to build a fence to keep them in.?

  1. use fence posts and peices of decking strips and attatch them to the fence posts

    December 3, 2012 at 3:58 am

  2. Cattle panels will be the quickest and easiest tho not terribly inexpensive. I’ve used pallets if you can find somewhere to get them for free. When we had a barn fire and needed a fence immediatly we used regular woven wire fencing but it didn’t last very long. But it was all we could find in a hurry.
    We had 40+ goats to move to a new farm a few years ago and the new farm had no fencing at all. We used the cattle panels. They don’t work well for bucks in the long term but will get you over the hump.

    December 3, 2012 at 4:30 am

  3. We are in a similar situation, moving into a rehab house and need something for our dog (no goats in the city lol) … a friend recommended fence posts and pretty much chicken wire as our neighbor did .. not sure if that is the cheapest but we are going that route until we have the $ $ for a nice vinyl/privacy. 🙂

    December 3, 2012 at 5:15 am

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