vetpulse tv™ coccidiosis in dairy calves

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Identifying and treating coccidiosis in dairy calves –

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8 Responses to vetpulse tv™ coccidiosis in dairy calves


    June 11, 2013 at 10:15 am

  2. Bad conditions are standard in the USA, the exception are those farms who treat their animals gently. I am not accusing your farm. How can I? I have never been there. So stop taking offense. What I am doing here is giving people information so that they can make better choices for their farms. You leave your calves with mothers until they are half a year? That’s better. But its not perfect. Separation causes severe stress, which is cruel and also causes in turn immune dysfunctions.

    June 11, 2013 at 11:07 am

  3. You don’t listen, and your arguments don’t make sence (we leave parents at 18 yr, calfs at1/2 year, for example). You are biased and do only speculate, so there is no reason and use in trying to convince you. Unfortunately…
    if you would visit our farm, without being biased, you would agree the cows/calfs have a very good life. They are full of life, curious and playful (with both other cattle as humans).

    I know there are farms where conditions are bad, but thats exeption rather than standard

    June 11, 2013 at 11:30 am

  4. How would you feel if you had been separated from your mother at age 2 weeks? You would be a drug addict today if that had happened to you. And worse, being put in solitary confinement at age 2 weeks, for half a year. I have seen it. You would be dead today if that had happened to you. Cows have the same nervous system as humans, it functions exactly the same way in regards to emotions, pain, fear, hunger, thirst, loneliness, separation anxiety, etc. To do this to cows for money is barbaric!

    June 11, 2013 at 11:32 am

  5. Research has shown that the later calf and cow are separated, the more stressful it will be for both. Leaving them together takes more than half a year. This is not possible with in the current economic system, but farmers are the blamed for it
    – calves near cows or heifers increases risk of contamination
    – young calves outside is only healthy when wheater is optimal, which is not often so
    – Highest calf health is achieved by farmers who individually house calf in first 2 weeks, than group house

    June 11, 2013 at 11:33 am

  6. What makes you so sure that I don’t? You are making assumptions. This is not a professional way of communication. I do have academic and practical knowledge on this subject. And besides that every kid can see for themselves that cows have emotions and suffer when their babies are taken away from them. It is cruel to take babies away from mothers. The reason why they do it is because of profit maximization. They think profit over ethics. I think ethics over profit. Peace out.

    June 11, 2013 at 11:46 am

  7. Unfortunately your post doesn’t show you have any academic nor practical knowlegde on this subject 🙁

    June 11, 2013 at 12:22 pm

  8. Infections are caused by cattle living in unsanitary conditions and stress due to being overcrowded. Cattle living on green meadows and clean and warm barns do not get infections. Very important is to leave the calves together with the mothers. Separation of mothers and calves causes severe stress in both, mother and calf. Cows staying together with their calves are happy and stay healthy.

    June 11, 2013 at 12:32 pm

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