Vampire Farmer Joel Salatin – Your WORST Reptilian Nightmare!

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Old MacLizard had a farm / OH NO – OH NO – OH NO! / And on that farm he had some Humans / OH NO – OH NO – OH NO! …This is Reptilian farmer Joel Salatin, who appeared in the documentary “Food Inc.” He shapeshifted his eyes wildly as he discussed the wholesome way to raise and slaughter Cows and Pigs. As I watched this super-creepy farmer intentionally slitty-slittin’ throughout his rant, it occured to me that this was, perhaps, a Reptilian in-joke about raising HUMANS for slaughter! Why ELSE would he make a point of incessantly displaying his Vampire eyes??? (All around us is a world of subliminal jokes made by the Reptilians at our expense…so I wouldn’t put it past ’em.) By the way…the farm this guy owns is named “Polyface Farms” – GET IT? He’s got TWO FACES! [PS I wanted to respond to comments on my recent vids – but for some reason I’m not able to…whenever I click the Reply button, nothing happens! THANKS to everyone who’s left a positive comment lately!]

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8 Responses to Vampire Farmer Joel Salatin – Your WORST Reptilian Nightmare!

  1. Hi, mgrella63! I’ll try to do more coherent captioning in upcoming vids!

    September 17, 2012 at 9:44 pm

  2. I’d say that it’s 100% Reptilians in Hollywood. I think these shapeshifters come from Sirius B – the brightest star in our night sky. They are hybrids who govern and supervise the human race. GREAT question, neocpu2316456!

    September 17, 2012 at 9:59 pm

  3. Hi, neocpu2316456! I think it’s a possibility that humans are the food of the Reptilians! I also heard the theory that they consume our energy bodies when we die. The Reptilians reveal themselves by shapeshifting their eyes, but I don’t know of any other way to identify one. THANKS for a great question!

    September 17, 2012 at 10:01 pm

  4. I enjoy your video except the dis and dat iz etc

    September 17, 2012 at 10:36 pm

  5. they are indeed “aliens” right??
    and they make the movies on earth ….. all movies ??? or ?
    i would like to know more information.

    September 17, 2012 at 11:22 pm

  6. so these reptilians are “farming humans” to eat them?
    How can you tell if someone is a reptilian or not ???

    September 17, 2012 at 11:50 pm

  7. LOL they don’t like to be exposed..notice your comments hahaha…They hate it. Time is almost up sons and daughters of Cain.

    September 18, 2012 at 12:24 am

  8. My version: Old Mcdonald had a plan in the CIA that goes e i e i o with a sneak attack stab you in the back e i e i o…. …. ….

    September 18, 2012 at 12:43 am

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