Using Permaculture or modern day agriculture, how much land would you need to feed a family of four?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

sustainable agriculture
Image by friendsoffamilyfarmers
Organic Valley donated cheese and milk at the event.

Question by Permaculture Permie: Using Permaculture or modern day agriculture, how much land would you need to feed a family of four?
How much land would I need to feed my family of four using Permaculture or modern day agricultural methods?

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One Response to Using Permaculture or modern day agriculture, how much land would you need to feed a family of four?

  1. For full self sufficiency, in Colorado, you will need about 10 acres. The problem is the fruit trees and animals. Also, you will need a source of water. A cow will require between 3 to 5 acres per animal, you will need 2, one for milk and one for meat. Rabbits don’t take that much room and grow pretty fast and they are fairly tolerant on their food. The use of regular gardening processes should be sufficient to produce enough vegetables.

    With, Permaculture as I understand it, I am not sure a person could feed themselves in Colorado with that process since it requires the use of natural settings and naturally sustainable relationships for what you want to grow. Colorado’s natural processes would leave you with some severe dietary problems to over come.

    If you are just looking to supplement your diet with your own products, you could cover a good deal with about 2 acres. It would give you enough production to put up a good amount in canning and still allow for chickens and rabbits for meat and eggs.

    If you throw in a greenhouse, you could do better by extending your growing season a good deal. The hard part of this is getting through the winter months, but you could get along fairly well with a greenhouse I think. It would give you fresh greens. Also, I would try hot frames, used by the Brits for winter gardening, and cold frames if a greenhouse isn’t a consideration.

    Terry O
    June 22, 2013 at 3:29 pm

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