Topsy Turvy – Planter Gardening

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Different methods of growing vegetables in small spaces. Tomotoes, peppers, cucumbers, radish, squash,potatoes, corn, cantaloupe,pumpkin. Some growing upside down.

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5 Responses to Topsy Turvy – Planter Gardening

  1. excellent video glad to see another male gardener. 🙂 love all your veggies im getting some ideas for May. thanks so much for posting.

    August 11, 2012 at 4:06 pm

  2. ok thanks i just made a homemade one so i see which one does better. thanks a lot.

    August 11, 2012 at 4:45 pm

  3. No problem it natural for the upward growth, make sure it gets plenty of sunlight for health and you can’t water it too much! do it daily for stem bending strenth or it will crack with the weight of the fruit.. miracle grow tomato food yeilds more tomatos,
    great luck

    August 11, 2012 at 5:21 pm

  4. man i dont get it i just got a topsy turvy and put a beef stake tomato in it and its about 5 to 6 inches long but its starting to turn up and grow up i need some help. thanks

    August 11, 2012 at 5:47 pm

  5. hahahhahahaha its WEED

    August 11, 2012 at 5:52 pm

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