tips for collecting rooster semen?

Filed under: Poultry |

backyard chickens
Image by zbartrout

Question by Rooster 1: tips for collecting rooster semen?
Hi I am starting some backyard chickens and am fairly new to the field. I have successfully collected semen from my rooster (about 1 year old) but it is hit or miss. Please share if you have any tips. I have already read articles etc. Thanks!

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One Response to tips for collecting rooster semen?

  1. A rooster, also known as a cockerel, or a cock is a male chicken (Gallus gallus) with the female being called a hen. Immature male chickens of less than a year’s age are called cockerels. The oldest term is “cock,” from Old English coc. The term “rooster” originates from the United States, while in the United Kingdom and Ireland the older term “cockerel” is more widely used. In North America, Australia and New Zealand “rooster” (a relative neologism) is almost always used, occasionally cockerel. “Cock” is in general use as the name for a male of other species of bird, for example “Cock sparrow.” “Roosting” is the action of perching aloft to sleep at night, and is done by both sexes. The rooster is polygamous, but cannot guard several nests of eggs at once. He guards the general area where his hens are nesting, and will attack other roosters who enter his territory. During the daytime, he often sits on a high perch, usually 4–5 feet off the ground to serve as a lookout for his flock. He will sound a distinctive alarm call if predators are nearby.

    Gilbertus Albans
    November 28, 2012 at 9:18 pm

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