There is Vegan & Vegeterian but do you know the true meaning of these & what others there are?

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District Level
Stakeholders workshop on Legal Empowerment Projected held.

CHITRAL : A day long workshop for district level stakeholders on Legal Empowerment project was
held by Sarhad Rural Support program
(SRSP) funded by Open Society Foundation. Stakeholders from all line department
on district level participated in this workshop for counseling regarding
launching legal empowerment project. This is just like legislative session to
sought opinion of all stake holders of heads all government, semi government
department governing bodies, district bar association journalists and civil societies Rahmat Wali
shah team leader of SRSP briefed the
stakeholders regarding provision of free legal assistance to needy and
deserving people. He said that in past all projects were based on monopoly
basis but now it focus on public opinion and Legal empowerment project will
frame after gaining opening of head of all government departments. Ghulam
Hazrat advocate president district bas association Chitral said that district
bar association campaigned for launching
high court circuit court in Chitral as in past people were face to
travel to Swat or Peshawar high court causing for wastage of time and money. He
criticized elected representatives that they did nothing in this regard nor
they supported lawyers for establishment of high court branch at Chitral. Other
stake holders expressed their views regarding providing of free legal
assistance to needy and poor segment of Chitral and hailed efforts of SRSP. As
Para-legal will trained in this regard who will raised the issue in case of any
injustice or cruelty with helpless people. SRSP will detailed a panel of
lawyers providing them free legal assistance. Former district Nazim Maghriat
Shah, former MPA Chitral Maulana Abdul Rahman
hailed SRSP efforts who have registered 610 village organizations both
of male and female and trained them in different developmental sector like
Honey bee keeping, house hold enterprises, handicraft etc. A large number of
stake holders comprising on military, police, civil officers and head of line
department, Mangers of different banks, lawyers, paramedics, journalists,
social workers participated in workshop.

G.H. Farooqi C/O
Manager bank Islami Main branch Chitral phone No 0943-320737, 0943-316052,
0943-414418 , 03025989602, 03337069572,
03159698446, 03469002167


Question by ₦âħíмânầ»€G: There is Vegan & Vegeterian but do you know the true meaning of these & what others there are?
Some peole are confussed on Vegeterian . It really means no meat, dairy, eggs or fish. Did you know this, as my Aunt was Vegeterian and she would not eat any thing related to an animal or fish .I have talked to many and they are the same on this diet. How about you. Your choices ??

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7 Responses to There is Vegan & Vegeterian but do you know the true meaning of these & what others there are?

  1. From my understanding, vegetraian simply means no meat. Vegan, on the other hand, means eating no animal products, such as eggs, milk, butter etc.

    A diet that excludes all meat, fish and dairy products as well as any food derived from a living animal such as eggs. Their diet relies on beans, lentils, nuts, seeds and soya products for protein, grains and starchy vegetables for carbohydrate and nuts and seeds and oils for fat.

    There are several categories of vegetarians, all of whom avoid meat and/or animal products. The vegan or total vegetarian diet includes only foods from plants: fruits, vegetables, legumes (dried beans and peas), grains, seeds, and nuts. The lactovegetarian diet includes plant foods plus cheese and other dairy products. The ovo-lactovegetarian (or lacto-ovovege-tarian) diet also includes eggs. …

    March 4, 2013 at 5:25 am

  2. I call them “meat deniers”, and spend as little time around them as possible.

    March 4, 2013 at 5:37 am

  3. A ovo vegetarian eats eggs. A lacto-ovo vegetarian eats eggs and dairy. A vegan avoids ALL items that comes from any animal including honey, beeswax, leather etc.

    March 4, 2013 at 6:12 am

  4. who cares? answer THAT question.

    March 4, 2013 at 6:27 am

  5. I am vegetarian and do not eat meat or fish. I do eat diary products, milk, cheese, eggs and am thereofre classed as a lacto-vegetarian. There are many variations of vegetarians it just depends on your preferences/beliefs.
    I think vegans don’t eat any meat, fish diary products, or by products from any animal.
    There are also fruitarians who solely live on fruit and nuts

    March 4, 2013 at 7:08 am

  6. here is an indepth breakdown of who eats what:
    Vegans don’t eat any products of animal origin. This includes not only meat, but also dairy products (milk, butter, cheese), eggs and even honey. Many vegans do eat onion and garlic. The strictest vegans don’t wear leather, wool or silk and also avoid health and beauty products made with ingredients derived from animals — for instance, lip balm with bees wax or skin creams with lanolin (an oil extracted from sheep’s wool). Although some people who choose a vegan diet do so because they are allergic or insensitive to dairy products or eggs, most choose veganism because of ethical concerns. Most vegans have a deep commitment to ending the exploitation and mistreatment of animals. The term vegan, formed from first three and last two letters of the word veg etari an , was coined in London in 1944 by seven vegetarians who founded the Vegan Society.

    Lacto-vegetarians/ Religion vegetarians / Lactose-Vegetarians are strict vegetarians who may consume milk and dairy products (optional) . Strictly No meat, no fishes, no eggs, no onion and no garlic. Lacto comes from the Latin word for milk.

    Ovo-vegetarians are people who still eat eggs. Ovo from the Latin word for egg.

    Lacto-ovo-vegetarians / Ovo-Lacto-vegetarians are those who eat both dairy products and eggs.

    Macrobiotics A macrobiotic diet is mainly vegetarian, but macrobiotic diets often include seafood. In this diet all other meat products are excluded, as are eggs and dairy products. They also do not eat “nightshade vegetables” (potato, pepper and eggplant), refined sugar and tropical fruits. This diet contains many foods found in Asian countries such as miso soup, root vegetables (daikon and lotus) and sea vegetables (seaweed, kelp, arame). It emphasizes eating locally grown foods that are in season. Meals consist of 50% to 60% grains, 25% locally grown produce, and the rest of the diet mainly consists of beans and soups. In lesser amounts fruits, nuts and seeds are eaten. This diet is based on the Chinese principles of yin and yang. Some people follow this diet as a philosophy of life and others follow it for health reasons.

    Flexitarian – a vegetarian who is flexible enough to occasionally eat meat or fish.

    Demi-vegetarians don’t eat red meat or poultry, but they do eat fish, eggs.

    Pescetarians / Pesco-Vegetarians / Pesce-Vegetarians eat a vegetarian diet but also consume fish. Pescetarians may avoid red meat and poultry because they do not want to support factory farming or other inhumane methods of raising animals. For many people making the transition to vegetarianism, pescetarianism is a stage along the way to an entirely meatless diet.

    Pollo-Vegetarians eat poultry, such as chicken, turkey, and duck.

    Meat Restrictors avoid red meat, but may eat fish and poultry.

    Vegetarian still eats fish occasionally.

    Vegetarian Sympathizers – Folks who do eat meat, fish, and chicken — but perhaps much less than they once did, and perhaps more carefully (they may choose organically raised meats). They lean somewhat towards a low- or no-meat way in their thinking. Frequently Sympathizers and Pesces are on the continuum towards a lacto- or vegan way of eating.

    Partial, occasional, casual, transitional and social vegetarians As the media releases more and more reports on the health benefits of a vegetarian diet, the number of people who are curious about vegetarianism continues to grow. Many of these people choose to reduce their meat intake instead of eliminating meat from their diet altogether. They may choose to give up just red meat, or they may only eat meat when they know it comes from small-scale producers who treat their livestock humanely. They may want to eat a stricter vegetarian diet but are temporarily prevented from doing so — for instance, parents with non-vegetarian children who aren’t ready to become vegetarians. Or they may eat a vegetarian diet with at home with vegetarian friends or family members and only eat meat when they’re out with non-vegetarian friends.

    March 4, 2013 at 7:21 am

  7. Vegetarianism means no meat. There are different types of vegetarians though. If your Aunt ate no animal products, then she was a vegan. Anyone who eats no meat but does eat dairy and eggs is a ovo-lacto vegetarian. There are even more types but these are the most basic. Does that answer your question?

    March 4, 2013 at 8:06 am

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