there is frequent Failure of generator in our windmill due to insulation failure windmill located near shore?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

windmill generator
Image by shog9
Driving back from Oklahoma, we passed through the Twin Buttes, CO wind farm.

Question by : there is frequent Failure of generator in our windmill due to insulation failure windmill located near shore?
Windmill are of 225 kwh NEpc make and at the time of failure MCB does not trip neither DO fuse is blown

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2 Responses to there is frequent Failure of generator in our windmill due to insulation failure windmill located near shore?

  1. The generator windings are probably overheating and shorting out.They are covered with a thin film of insulation to prevent short circuiting.;which can melt during high temperatures.Or your power cables have water in them and the water is bypassing the generator and returning without load.Either of which will lower the current coming from the generator,which will NOT trip the breaker as long as the current is low.

    gary s
    February 8, 2012 at 10:11 am

  2. If it is on the seashore the normal failure mode would be salt contamination causing insulation degradation at the generator end. Once the electricity has made a “carbonised track” across the insulation, it effectively is in self-destruct mode and oly a matter of time till it fails. You may noticed voltage dips on the generator load at this time.
    Options – have a regular cleaning schedule or better sealing to prevent salt water from entering the generator innards.
    As no circuit breaker is at the generator terminals, there is nothing to trip.
    PS – spray from normal lake also will cause problems but takes longer because of lower amount of minerals dissolved in it.

    February 8, 2012 at 10:37 am

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