The chicken i have appears to be bruised/ has blackish meat. Is it still safe to eat?

Filed under: Poultry |

broiler chickens
Image by Helmand PRT, Lashkar Gah
A new Afghan business operating at Helmand’s Bolan Farm provides 30% of the eggs and 10% of the chickens eaten in the province, said Mohammad Asif Rahimi, Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation & Livestock (MAIL).

“Helmand consumers buy fresh, 100%-Afghan chickens and eggs, and no longer rely so much on imports,” Minister Rahimi said. Afghan investors run the poultry business started on MAIL property by a USAID-funded project begun in 2007. ARAZI, MAIL’s land-lease agency, provided a five-year lease to the investors after a competitive selection process.

“The Bolan Poultry Farm is a proven economic success and now it is owned by Afghan investors, hiring Afghan workers and making delicious food for Afghan families,” Minister Rahimi said. “MAIL and USAID always wanted this project to be taken over by the Afghan business sector and this dream has become a reality.”

The farm can produce up to 90,000 chicks and 750 tons of feed per month. Five distributors, five poultry veterinary clinics, 70 city outlets and 50 outlets in rural districts of Helmand carry poultry products originating from the farm. At last estimate, these coordinated poultry farms supplied 40 percent of Lashkar Gah’s broiler market and 25 percent of its egg market.

“Last year Afghanistan imported more than 60,000 tons of frozen and live chickens, and 40 million eggs,” Minister Rahimi said. “This is unacceptable and needs to be stopped, replaced by Afghan poultry products, raised on Afghan farms by Afghan families, creating jobs and ensuring food-security across Afghanistan.”

“Consumers know that the most nutritious, safest and freshest food comes from here in Afghanistan,” Minister Rahimi added. “Projects such as this make our businesses stronger, and the food that they produce makes our children stronger.”

Question by stacy: The chicken i have appears to be bruised/ has blackish meat. Is it still safe to eat?
Hi all! I bought a couple of “broiler chicken” halves the other day. The “sell by” date printed on the bag is 12/20. (yesterday) Today, I took out all the chickens and one of them has some blackish/purplish looking meat under the skin, esp. around the thigh area. Is it still safe to eat?? or should i toss it?

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3 Responses to The chicken i have appears to be bruised/ has blackish meat. Is it still safe to eat?

  1. I wouldn’t eat it, but it is most likely brusied. If you want to eat it even though it is bruised, cook it and then cut that part of after you cook it. It is not harmful but you are not 100 percent sure it actually is bruised and I would have to look at it in real life. So if I were you, I would totally toss it.

    June 1, 2013 at 3:18 am

  2. not really…id throw it away.

    June 1, 2013 at 3:28 am

  3. i woulnt eat it if i were you! it could be infected or something! ew! 🙂

    June 1, 2013 at 3:33 am

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