Tell me about your backyard chickens!?

Filed under: Poultry |

backyard chickens
Image by chrisdat
Processing 280 Chickens – Cornish Cross & Red Bros at Pete and Jen Backyard Bird’s Mobile Poultry Processing Unit

Question by 521_1n5: Tell me about your backyard chickens!?
I’ve been doing research on egg/dual purpose chicken breeds good for the backyard farmer, and one of the main things that I’m trying to find out about at the moment is the temperament differences between the breeds. I know every chicken is an individual, and different sites say different things about the breeds, so I want first-hand accounts about individual chickens. Be sure to include what breed she is.

Tell me about your chickens! =D

Is she shy? Friendly? Noisy? Funny? Mean? Energetic? Any breed whatever, and the more details the better. Don’t worry about brevity– any and all information is very appreciated. As a bonus, you can add your opinion of different breeds in general, whether you have owned birds of that breed or not. Thanks!

Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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6 Responses to Tell me about your backyard chickens!?

  1. I have 3 Red Sex-linked hens (Rosie, Ruby, and Alice), which are a dual purpose breed. They are the NICEST chickens alive! They are not shy at all. In fact, when my neighbors first moved in, the hens walked right up to them and started to hang out in their garage. lol. They are energetic. They like to explore the yard, and they love the manure pile. (Ewww, I know). They are noisy. They are constantly making noises, especially when they are starting to lay an egg, or they just see you and want a treat. I got them when they were a year old, and they had never been handled before, and now they are the coolest chickens ever. I would recommend this breed.

    I also have Silkies. They aren’t a dual-purpose breed though. They are really friendly, but kinda dumb. They don’t realize that they need to go inside during bad weather.

    I also have Cochin chicks. I don’t know much about them right now. They are only about 5 weeks old. They seem friendly as of now.

    Well, good luck with your project!

    July 31, 2012 at 6:50 pm

  2. Well I don’t have chickens any more. I did when I was younger for about 5 years. We had 18 chickens at one time. My favorite chick was a Black Australorps I raised her when she was a chick. My friend and I would go and spend a 20 minutes a day getting them use to use and holding them and just loving them. They when they grew up they were the sweetest chickens ever. Mine was Bean she would come running to me and jump on my lap and sit there for as long as I let her. She was so sweet.

    Oh man if you want to talk chickens I would be more then happy to talk with you e-mail me.

    Some of the other breeds we had
    Black cochin bantams- Small and funny not that personal. well ours were rescued. We were sick of having mean rosters that chased us. So we got a tiny roster was that not so scary.
    RI reds- good layers but really dirty. They were indapendant
    Silver Hamburgs- Never nice really fast. Lay white eggs thats all they are good for and they are pretty.
    Polish- Freaking awesom birds really stupid but can be supper sweet. They look so funny.
    Araucanas- beautiful birds they lay green eggs. They can be shy. My friends little sister had one and it only liked the little sister.
    Barred rocks- Wonderful egg layers big brown eggs. They are so soft. The meanest roster we ever had was a BIG Barred rock. That thing was scary.

    Chickens are so much fun most people just don’t even know. I can’t wait to have a house where I can have them again.

    July 31, 2012 at 7:47 pm

  3. I have mainly had Rhode Island Reds, Black Australorps (sp?) and Brown Leghorns. They are great, especially the Brown Leghorns, they are easily my favorites. I have six: Poppy, Midnight, Rose, Chestnut, Emma, and Millie.

    Poppy and Midnight are my Black Australorps. They are really pretty birds, nice, and incredibily smart.

    Rose and Emma are my Rhode Island Reds. They are great egg-layers, and smart, though they chase me sometimes, so I try to avoid them, personally.

    Millie and Chestnut are my Brown Leghorns. They are quite sweet, the sweetest of all of them, though they are just brown and kind of plain-looking. I think they are great. All of my birds are pretty energetic, but they are young yet.

    I used to have a white rooster (we got him from the second grade class who raised eggs, so I have no idea what he was) named Takenna. I called him Tak for short. His name was a mix of my name, MaKenna, and my best friend’s name, Taylor. Great bird, actually really nice for a rooster.

    Good luck with your chickens!!

    •Tea• •Rose•
    July 31, 2012 at 7:55 pm

  4. I have Astralorps, there big,black and wonderful pets. She isnt shy she loves to ventuer and explore, she is friendly and sweet,SHe is a breed that is a good brooy, she can lay on up to 15 eggs, she lays brown eggs every day

    Jewel, Isis, Hershey, and Moe are mine.

    July 31, 2012 at 8:22 pm

  5. i have 3 naked neck hens they are very curious and like to eat,i have and australorp hen who is a bit flighty,an a seabright hen that is very flighty

    stuart c
    July 31, 2012 at 8:55 pm

  6. i have 1 chicken and it doesn’t let me sleep with it’s growls

    July 31, 2012 at 9:37 pm

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