Taking Broilers to fair, when should I get my birds?

Filed under: Poultry |

Question by Kevin: Taking Broilers to fair, when should I get my birds?
I’m taking white broilers to fair, which is on August 12, so when should my hatch date be? How many of male and females should I get? Any other advice would be great, thanks!

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One Response to Taking Broilers to fair, when should I get my birds?

  1. Are you selling young birds to fatten on (for eating at a later stage) or birds at slaughter weight which are basically ready for the table? Your question is not very clear?

    If they are a fast growing commercial breed fed on high protein food & kept in a heated lit unit & you are selling them at a weight ready for people to slaughter themselves then they need to be around 7 weeks of age ideally when you sell them, work back 7 weeks & add 3 weeks on for hatching so work back 10 weeks from 12th August & put your hatching eggs in the incubator then. Slower growing breeds & outdoor reared birds might take 14+ weeks to reach slaughter weight.

    You can’t pick & choose what sex hatch out of the eggs I’m afraid so I’m a little confused about your “how many of male and females should I get?” Are you buying chicks or hatching eggs? You get whatever hatches out of an egg it is pot luck, you might get all males or all females.

    Make sure you actually make money out of this venture, chicken food has become very expensive lately.

    Trust Me I'm a Doctor ♥
    November 22, 2013 at 7:36 am

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