some question about hatching of chickens ?

Filed under: Poultry |

broiler chickens
Image by Michael W. May
I have no grill so used the broiler. It’s now 88F on the cool end of the house. *sigh* great kabobs, though

Question by sid: some question about hatching of chickens ?
hi guys ..i bet a lot of people know about it here ..but there are few things i wanna know about chicken hatching …i wud appreciate if u reply with some explaination…so i live in canada and just started working in a meat industry…so just wondering the chicken we use in meat company here …are they male or female or broiler chickens( i mean no sex at all ) what i was told that broiler chicken grow much faster then male or female but are not able to reproduce …how much time it takes to hatch an egg (with or without incubaor) …and how much time it takes for chicken to grow to its fully mature stage…
what other kind of chicken we use here or in US for slaughtering…coz sometimes we receive rooster or fowl chicken as well …so what’s the difference between these two …
anything pertaining to these questions plz let me know …
thanks a lot in advance

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5 Responses to some question about hatching of chickens ?

  1. uh….u boys are soo imprimetive!

    Vanessa R
    September 11, 2012 at 11:12 pm

  2. i’m pretty sure broilers aren’t sexless but just a chicken bred for size and growth speed to get the largest in the shortest amount of time. it takes an average of 2 weeks for eggs to hatch and approx. a year for maturity. however when you butcher chickens you do it before they reach maturity because that is when the meat is best–“producing” roosters and hens tend to have tougher meat. places that raise broilers usually don’t keep them past 7 weeks and pump them full of stuff to get them to grow quicker.

    September 11, 2012 at 11:30 pm

  3. well sid, it is not uncommon that with proper care an egg can be hatched in a little over a day from conception to hatching. the problem is many lack the means to properly incubate an egg, however, it is a little known secret that a microwave on a low setting such as defrost is often time as successfull as a commercial incubator. don’t believe me? try it out for yourself!

    September 11, 2012 at 11:55 pm

  4. Meat birds as they are claeed when they are raised for eating are mostly Cornish Rock Broilers. These are a breed that has been corss bred and messed with so that they hatch and grow to slaughter weight in about 6 weeks. You can only feed them durring the day and have to take away the food at night or they will die of “flip” they have heart attacks. They grow so fast and would die very young if not slaughtered.
    They are male and female but die to young to lay eggs or reproduce well.
    Eggs hatch in 21 days. Most breeds will lay eggs at 5-6 months of age.
    I rasie heavy egg layers. Barred rocks and red stars and a few others. I will slaughter off my hens as they get old and no longer produce eggs as effctively. I let them hatch out a few chicks each year and keep the babies to lay eggs.
    Check out or for much info on chickens.

    September 12, 2012 at 12:48 am

  5. they aly eggs if u keep seperate chickens for meat and for hatching eggs. the chicken which is used for meat given injections to grow fast so because of more fats they are unable to give eggs. keep the pair of chicken which is healthy i do not contains more fat so they will give more and better eggs.

    Ali B
    September 12, 2012 at 12:55 am

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