Solar Powered Products in Seattle?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

Question by Lamai: Solar Powered Products in Seattle?
I’ve been looking at some solar powered products online but don’t know of any stores in the Seattle area that have a nice variety of appliances, solar grids, etc. I only know of the Environmental Home Center in downtown but have not yet visited it. Anybody know of some good stores with these products so I don’t have to buy online. Or at least somewhere where I can learn about solar grids easily. Thank you.
Not just panels… I would like to find a store that has like flexible strips that power your laptop or solar lamps. Like giftable things.

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3 Responses to Solar Powered Products in Seattle?

  1. Before talking with anyone who sells solar,learn a lot more about it. I spent a year doing this, and it was worth while. The mistakes you make by lack of knowledge can be expensive ones. Look at solar power and solar panels in the green search box above. Also on the Internet.

    A key issue regarding the effectiveness of a system is the insolation. You can find insolation tables on the Internet. Seattle has an low average insolation, compared to a place like Sequim. Insolation can vary even within a city.

    November 22, 2013 at 6:32 pm

  2. I agree that you need to take a little time and read up on solar electric before buying. Once you know what you want you can make things a lot cheaper on yourself. You can order a complete system on line and have it shipped to your home. Then pick the contractor you want to install it. They are really not that hard to install when you order a kit.

    Check out this page to understand how to size a solar grid tie system or a grid tie with battery backup. There are links with pictures to show you how to hookup a off grid system.

    Ok, You said the word grid so that is how I answered. Then check out this site it has flex panels, foldable panels, solar laptop chargers, Solar backpacks and laptop bags and on and on.

    Don K
    November 22, 2013 at 6:47 pm

  3. There is a reason why you can’t find a variety of solar powered stuff in Seattle: there is not enough sun for it to make recoup the cost. If you want to save the planet with solar power move to Arizona.

    November 22, 2013 at 7:01 pm

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