solar power for home?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

Question by Miky: solar power for home?
I want to install solar power pannels to my home to reduce the energy consumptions. Whats the best way to start, What is the approximate cost to install for a single family Home.
Appreciate your insight.

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5 Responses to solar power for home?

  1. first thing you need to do is find a compant that installs these systems cuz you dont wanna buy the set up and have some joe shmoe electican put it in> go to your local HomeDepot yes HomeDepot they may be able to help cuz they sell them or you can go on there web site heres a link:

    May 8, 2012 at 6:00 am

  2. Just some background, there are a couple different type of solar panels you can install. Photovoltaics are cells that produce DC (direct current) power directly from the sun. To use them you need to have 1)enough sun .. there are charts in places to let you know about this, 2) Batteries to store the power 3) and inverter to convert the DC power to AC power in which your house hold items can be plugged into. and possibly a transfer switch so that if you are producing electricity for you house, that you don’t backfeed into the Power grid (utility company)
    The other type system is a “fluid heating type” system that uses dark panels that have a fluid in them that can heat your water tank. I”m not sure what which one you might be looking for, but the latter one is much cheaper.

    May 8, 2012 at 6:18 am

  3. Hi Miky. It’s kind of hard to answer this question whenever it’s asked. If your wanting to simply reduce the amount of electricity that your using, the answer is just that, use less. If, on the other hand, your looking for cheaper electricity, the unfortunate truth is, that you can’t make your own for less…..yet. Whoever your buying your electricity from right now, can produce it for far less than you can (via economy of scale). That said, if your wanting to “go solar”, for any of the many other good reasons to do so, go to “”. These folks will tell you EVERYTHING that you’ll need to know, and do it with astonishing honesty. I use their $ 4.00 pamphlet style books (you’ll see’em when you get there) for reference material all the time. Their knowledge is really second to none.
    In the meantime, about that “reduce” part of your question…Put in compact fluorescence’s everywhere that you can (and dispose of properly when they eventually burn out). Buy appliances that meet “energy star” qualifications. Pack in insulation everywhere that you can. Caulk and otherwise seal all cracks and crevices around your doors, windows and foundation. On hot days, pull the shades and drapes closed on the sunny side of the building. On cold days, turn down your thermostat and wear heavier clothes. Close the vents and door in any unoccupied room…use fans when you can instead of running the AC…plant evergreens on the north side of your house…plant deciduous on the south…install an “earth pipe”…increase the amount of thermal mass inside of the building…humidify in the winter…get a couple of good books on energy efficiency……
    The list goes on and on….and once you get started, it actually becomes fun. Your bank account might start smiling too..
    Have fun.

    May 8, 2012 at 7:12 am

  4. Thomasze gave you some bad information. You do not need batteries if you are going to be tied to the utility grid. You do not need a transfer switch.

    There are a bunch of things and a lot of information you need to make a solar decision. Learn all you can from the Internet, contractors, and the search box at the top of this page. Type “solar panels” there.

    May 8, 2012 at 8:09 am

  5. Hi
    a while ago i was also intersted in building a solar system at my place and in this regard i collected some very useful info, basic solar energy concepts to detailed solar system formation and installation, which i have published on this site FreeSolarOnline you can go there and check it out hope you gonna find it useful

    May 8, 2012 at 8:49 am

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