Image by clattermonger
The garden final takes some sort of shape – the compost heap goes to the back wall where it’s going to stay, the concrete slap is broken up and shifted out, the flower beds down the south fence starts to fill with soil, and the earth montain is nicely coming down in size. Both fences are treated and the base of the south fence is whitewashed.
Question by dayner: Should I use garden soil or potting mix?
I live in the midwest. I’m planting Cana’s in pots and wanting to know if Potting mix or garden soil would be best?
What do you think? Answer below!
Definitely potting soil. Garden soil is meant for open ground gardening or raised beds, where roots will be able to spread longer distances for nutrition and need more dense soil to hang on against wind.
Potting soil is more loose, more porous and more easily watered and fed.
Anna C.B
January 15, 2012 at 11:14 pm
The problem with putting any plant in a pot is that pots in general tend to dry out alot faster than the ground. I would use like a miracle grow potting soil that helps retain moisture and also feeds the plants as well. At the bottom of your pots you can put those packing peanuts and that makes the pot lighter if you have to move it like in the fall when cannas are usually lifted because the bulbs don’t do well during winter in our climes. The need to be lifted and dried and put in a dark place like a paper bag so that they can be replanted next year. Hope this helps!
Mary C
January 15, 2012 at 11:34 pm