Should I feed a chicken organic or non-organic food and what are the benefits of both?

Filed under: Poultry |

feed chickens
Image by margaretkilljoy
Feeding a dead mouse to a cornsnake. (apparently he’s too chicken for live food?)

Question by !!: Should I feed a chicken organic or non-organic food and what are the benefits of both?
If a chicken has organic food what are the benefits and disadvantages of it and the same for non-organic food. Thanks!

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3 Responses to Should I feed a chicken organic or non-organic food and what are the benefits of both?

  1. sigh……try researching WTF “organic” MEANS,eh? If a substance isn’t “organic”,it’s NOT a feed!!!! Plastic isn’t organic…..gravel isn’t…..nor aluminum,asbestos…

    Organically GROWN is just a scam,perpetrated on the paranoid & gullible & doesn’t mean SQUAT in any livestock feed

    September 26, 2013 at 11:08 am

  2. Sisyphus I think misses the point of your question, but s/he’s right that the term “organic” can lead to confusion as chemically all feed is “organic material”, but not all feed is “organically grown”, but anyway…

    The only reason to feed a chicken organically grown feed is if you are a certified organic farm and need to in order to maintain your certification. Otherwise it doesn’t make sense. The cost of organic feed is way too high to be feasible for a conventional producers to use.

    As far as the chicken is concerned? There’s no difference. The only issue is how you’re marketing the eggs/broilers.

    September 26, 2013 at 11:51 am

  3. Ok they are both wrong. “Organic” is NOT a scam at all. If you feed organic feed, your eggs, & meat will taste different, and better. You can even see a difference in their products. Same goes will all livestock. When fed organic their eggs, meat, and milk will be tastier, more colorful, and healthier for consumers.

    September 26, 2013 at 12:50 pm

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