Should i cook and boil raw goat milk before consumation? is it safer?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by Diana: Should i cook and boil raw goat milk before consumation? is it safer?
I just bought from one woman raw goat milk, i didnt see her goat but she told me they drink the milk without boiling it. I believe raw goats milk is better and more natural than the milk sold in supermarkets, cuz that went through pasteration and homogenization which kills all the benefits in the milk.

Any one have experiences with raw goat milk? Did anyone have any health problems after consuming raw goats milk???? or any one have a goat. would appreciate any info.

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2 Responses to Should i cook and boil raw goat milk before consumation? is it safer?

  1. Raw milk of any kind tends to be full of bacteria. Before pasteurization, something like 25% of all diseases came from milk and life-expectancy was shorter. You want to take the chance, go ahead.

    – cuz that went through pasteration and homogenization which kills all the benefits in the milk

    Sorry, that’s a load of…

    March 14, 2014 at 4:27 pm

  2. if you boil the milk you will destroy the vitamins and minerals in it more than it is done by pasteurization and homogenization. goat milk is much better than cow milk. if the supplier is trustworthy you can drink it raw. the best is to make kefir with it. kefir made with goat milk is one of the most nutritious and healthiest food you can eat.

    March 14, 2014 at 5:12 pm

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