Should cities restrict Urban Farming?

Filed under: Poultry |

urban chickens
Image by robot_zombie_monkey
A bunch of us went out to St. Johns to visit Eric’s (and Ben’s) chicks. This was their second time outside and they were having a grand old time.

Question by Daniel John: Should cities restrict Urban Farming?
Today in the Pittsburgh Tribune Review, I just read an article where Mayor Ravenstahl is talking about restricting chicken coops and beehives.

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One Response to Should cities restrict Urban Farming?

  1. A link would be nice.
    As a farmer myself, I know that there are many considerations as far as land use.
    While I think that a few chickens in everyones’ backyards would be nice, there is the huge question of waste removal and odor control. (chickens poop and stink to high heavens)
    Beehives on the other hand would be fine-they are innocuous and rarely sting, but so many people are afraid of them on general principle that they would probably go around killing the proverbial profits.
    Maybe the best thing would be to push garden growing instead-many plants can even be grown in pots on a porch and yield food.

    August 9, 2012 at 11:02 pm

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