Raising Meat Goats – Tips On How To Get Started Quickly

Filed under: Goats |

raise goats
Image by Ed Yourdon
Note: this photo was published in a Jun 9, 2010 blog titled "John Wooden was always a Hoosier."


On my way to dinner at a nearby sushi restaurant the other night, I stopped at a local playground to see if there was anything interesting to photograph. I found that a local community organizer, Darrin Dunn, had raised some contributions to provide uniform-style t-shirts for two competing teams of basketball players in the playground’s court, which has been named "Goat Courts."

Dunn is the CEO of the Earl Manigault Foundation, Inc., and you can reach him by phone at 832-660-1039 if you’d like to offer assistance; he doesn’t have a Website or email address at the moment. The foundation, and the basketball court, are named after the legendary Earl "the Goat" Manigault, who died in 1998 after playing professional basketball in France and Germany. You can learn more about Manigault, the basketball court, and the local tournaments in a July 10, 2009 Black Star News article titled Hope Dreams – Beyond Basketball, which was written by Mitch Ligon, whose chess-playing talents (in the same park) I showed in this Flickr photo.

Anyway, it was an interesting game, with lots of action. I took some 300 shots, and whittled it down to 30 keepers; I’ll upload 10 of them each day, while trying to juggle my other work demands…

Article by Peter Hansen

Raising Meat Goats – Tips On How To Get Started Quickly – Family

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Did you know that there is a great demand for goat meat in the United States that producers have been having difficulty keeping up? Because of the high demands that existing producers cannot supply, much of the goat meat sold in the US is imported from either Australia or New Zealand. The fact that almost 1.5 million pounds of goat meat is imported weekly just proves that raising goats for meat is an industry that is slowly on the rise.

So what is so special about goat meats that it is widely popular? It is said that goat meat, also known as chevon is easily digestive compared to other meats. It has a low fat content and is a good alternative to chicken or fish, it tastes good too. Being a thriving business, wouldn’t this be a perfect opportunity to try to start raising meat goats?

If you are a novice to keeping goats for meat yet you’d like to get started, there are a lot of ways to learn how to go about it. You can check out some established producers who have bee in the industry for quite some time. Try visiting their farms or see if there are shows, seminars, and other events pertaining to raising meat goats. You can also check out the internet for some info in websites you can visit to learn more about the industry.

With this article, we will try to give you some important information to help you to get started. First thing you need to do is to decide what type and what breed you would like to raise. You can either choose to raise registered breeding stock or you can opt to raise unregistered commercial meat type of goats. As for the breeds, you can check out some websites for information on all of the different breeds that are available in the US.

It would also be necessary to determine what resources you have in order to raise goat meats. These resources are pastures, shelters, and fences. Do you have a large enough area to begin raising meat goats? You need to determine how many goats you can start with. When you are raising meat goats, it is important to consider your area’s climate, the type of soil where you want to build their shelter on, how fertile the soil is, as well as the type of vegetation that you have on that ground.

For sure you have more questions than ever, what you can do is to check out the internet for additional information. There are some websites that offer help to get you started in raising meat goats. In any venture, you need to extensively research on your chosen industry. Ask around and get tips from the experts. Follow these simple tips and in no time at all you can start to raise meat goats.

About the Author

An estimated 70 percent of all meat consumed globally is from goats. Raising meat goats can be simple and easy if based on those who have done it. If you are looking for more tips on raising meat goats and want to avoid the common painful mistakes made by novice and experienced farmers too, go to: http://www.raisingmeatgoats.com

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Peter Hansen

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