raising mallard ducks (please help!!!!)?

Filed under: Poultry |

raising ducks
Image by meredith_nutting
Every summer a family of ducks grows up on the lake of the summer camp I used to attend and teach. Starting with 8 to 9 ducklings, the mama duck can usually only raise about four to adulthood.

Question by Curious: raising mallard ducks (please help!!!!)?
I am ordering mallard duck eggs but i need a good site where i can get information on hatching/raising them and the care they need. thanks!

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2 Responses to raising mallard ducks (please help!!!!)?

  1. a good place to go would be your local library or feed store. The library you can check out books on everything from feeding them to bathing them. You could also go to a feed store and ask them any questions about ducks and I am sure they would love to help

    newly wedded
    April 4, 2012 at 12:42 pm

  2. By the sounds of it they are tame mallard otherwise you ouldn’t be ordering them… I know all about raising young ones But since you requested a site here you go it’s on raising domestic ducklings but the care will be the exact same.


    April 4, 2012 at 1:10 pm

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