Raising Goats in San Diego (part 1), Intro to Goats

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In this video, you’ll learn the very basics of what breeds and sizes of goats are legal to raise in San Diego’s city limits. • How many goats are allowed • What are the differences between genders? • How much space city goats needs • What to do about noise, horns and goat milk and cheese? City Farmers Nursery does not carry goats, but we do carry organic goat feed. For local goats, we recommend you call Nerat Acres – (760) 788-6055 Theresa Nerat 345 Washington Ramona, CA 92065 For more information visit www.CityFarmersNursery.com or visit us in person at 4832 Home Ave. San Diego, CA 92105

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One Response to Raising Goats in San Diego (part 1), Intro to Goats

  1. So how has it worked out for you? I started with two Nigerian does in April 2011. I live in the city limits in Cincinnati. We had our Senior doe freshened in May. She had triplets. We adopted the boys out and kept the doe. We now have three does. Isn’t it just wonderful. Best pets/providers ever.

    Suzanne Rene
    December 1, 2012 at 4:03 pm

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