Raising Goats in Panama Central America

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These are Thelma’s babies! She is a proud and good Mama goat. Here is our blog website, if you would like to know more about our little farm in Central America. thepioneersofpanama.wordpress.com

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2 Responses to Raising Goats in Panama Central America

  1. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.
    This is a goat we bought in late October with a group of goats. I have no idea exactly what breed of goat she is and the people we bought her from did not know either… The babies are half Saanen however.
    And yes she has a low set udder. From what I have read you should avoid buying a goat with an udder like this, but we are limited in this country to to what you can find. My prayer is the babies will have well set udders!
    Peace to you~Rose

    May 27, 2012 at 4:21 am

  2. Very pretty nanny and babies, but I must ask; is something wrong with her udder? It looks as if it has dropped down…in an unhealthy way. Sorry if I’m wrong! Would love to see some updates of the twins. Do you know what breed they are? She looks like a Kiko cross.

    May 27, 2012 at 5:03 am

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