raising baby ducks help?

Filed under: Poultry |

raising ducks
Image by adamjackson1984
These two are both about 9 weeks old

Question by Aussie C: raising baby ducks help?
hi i have one 3 week old duck and i play whithhim for about a hour a day and he just does not like me he runs from me wont sit on my lap and hates being around people i had him since he was 5 days old and we have had other ducks that loved us what do i do

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5 Responses to raising baby ducks help?

  1. maybe he wants to live in a pond..

    try putting it into your bathtub

    July 26, 2012 at 6:46 am

  2. Just feed him and be patient, don’t go chasing after him or that’ll make it worse.

    July 26, 2012 at 7:22 am

  3. try playing with the little duck more than just an hour a day

    July 26, 2012 at 8:11 am

  4. Unfortunately, I think some animals would just prefer to be animals! They don’t understand how adorable we think they are and that we want to love them, not hurt them. Try spending a little more time with him, maybe.

    July 26, 2012 at 8:39 am

  5. An hour per day is not nearly enough, when it comes to a duckling. Is alone the rest of the time, or do you have other ducks/animals? For him to treat you as one of his flock he will have to be around you for MUCH more than just an hour per day.

    When mine were ducklings they were with me at LEAST 6 hours per day, usually the entire day. That’s why I got them in the summer, so that I could devote as much time as possible to getting them used to me very early on. Ducks are flock animals, and are not accustomed to being left alone. They won’t want to associate with you if they don’t get used to being handled and being part of a people-flock! :]

    So, definitely UP the amount of time your with the ducky. Also, try not to force him into things like sitting on your lap yet. Take it very slow if he’s still hesitant. Hold your hand near him, touch him a little, keep it slow. And give him lots of good treats like fruits and veggies when you’re around!

    July 26, 2012 at 8:58 am

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