Raising baby ducks???

Filed under: Poultry |

raising ducks
Image by dibytes
365-249. Sept. 6, 2009. This is the sheltered cove area in Collingwood’s Harbourview Park where I watched the swans raise their families. The swans are grown and hanging out further out in the bay now. This weekend the cove has been taken over by ducks. They have been so entertaining to watch! They hop up on the dock and then dive into the water…over and over again! They must be enjoying the unusual calm and gorgeous weather!

Question by wonderfully_regretful: Raising baby ducks???
ok so i have two pet ducks a boy and a girl well the girl had eggs and a couple of them hatched is there anything i need to worry about that the mother duck or the father duck will do to harm the babies?

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6 Responses to Raising baby ducks???

  1. i dont think so but make sure that you put break by the babies to the might eat it good luck

    Alex M
    August 9, 2012 at 1:16 am

  2. its illegal to own wild ducks withut a permit. I HAVE RAISED MANY BEFOR AND USUALLY HAND RAISED ONES CANNOT BE RELEASED WITHOUT BEING extremely friendly and somtimes annoying. to the public. TAKE THYEM TO YOUR LOCAL WILDLIFE CENTER :]

    August 9, 2012 at 2:10 am

  3. You should go to somewhere like Petco or Petsmart and ask them about it. They’re professionals there and they can help you figure out these things. Maybe check the yellow book for some help on it. Good luck, I love baby duckies 😛 Oh and think about when ducks raise their own offspring by themselves in the wild, i don’t think they’d harm them.

    Nicole F
    August 9, 2012 at 2:53 am

  4. I raised a couple of ducks too. If you notice that parents are with their young in the wild, you don’t have anything to worry about there. I do not remember what I fed them but sure that the pet store can put on you the right path. I am thinking some sort of pellets.

    August 9, 2012 at 3:26 am

  5. No.
    Just make sure that they are in a Predatore Proof Pen.
    Make sure that they have lots of food, and that they are not in a place where they can be harmed by the Heat or by the Cold or Drown in Water.

    ADD: Hello! These are her pets!
    Not wild animals!
    Do you not understand this?
    Gosh, not all duck breeds are Wild!

    August 9, 2012 at 4:22 am

  6. Not usually, unless the drake is unaccustomed to them, but if he was around during the whole hatching thing they’ll be ok. Now you just have to feed them and provide them enough water to fool around in. Their growth will pretty much take care of itself.

    August 9, 2012 at 4:58 am

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