Raised bump after a bee sting?

Filed under: Bees |

Question by Allyson: Raised bump after a bee sting?
I was stung by a wasp a week ago and I woke up yesterday with a raised bump that itched right where I was stung… What could it be?

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One Response to Raised bump after a bee sting?

  1. First was it a wasp or a bee? Two different animals, requiring different care.

    Wasp- don’t worry that’s just your body responding to the venom that the wasp injects after stinging you. It’ll go away in a couple days, you can put ice on it to speed the process

    Bee- remove the stinger, pinch or scape it off it doesn’t matter, but you should have removed the stinger right away, it continues to inject venom into you the longer it’s in, causing a worse reaction. do not scratch it afterwards, make a paste with baking soda and water to neutralize the venom

    December 11, 2013 at 2:41 am

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