questions about sustainable agriculture?

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sustainable agriculture
Image by CGIAR Climate
In the picture: Prof. Sir John Beddington, Chair of the Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change. Photo: N. Palmer (CIAT). Please credit appropriately.

In connection to the UNFCC COP 17 conference in Durban, South Africa in December 2011, CCAFS and several other partners organized an Agriculture and Rural Development Day (ARDD). It was a major one-day event that brought together several hundred policy makers, farmers, scientists and development experts to discuss the urgent need for rural people in developing countries to play a greater role and receive stronger support in climate change adaptation and mitigation.

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To learn more about Agriculture and Rural Development Day (ARDD), go to the event webpage

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Question by Firefoxrising: questions about sustainable agriculture?
how has sustainable agriculture changed? what other terms have been added to it? what happened to sustainable agriculture since 2000? and how do this apply to the us? please help? thank you

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2 Responses to questions about sustainable agriculture?

  1. i’m not sure what has “changed” in sustainable agriculture. i do know however some practices have been introduced such as precision farming, IPM (integrated pest management) or known as ICM (integrated crop management), there are also more stringent laws being developed that specify allowable vs prohibited activities as well as maximum allowable limits for chemicals produce for and used in agriculture. sustainable agriculture also includes the right choice of land designated for such purposes.

    April 23, 2012 at 11:13 pm

  2. sustainable agriculture is a euphemism. with 10 billion peeps coming to the table, nothing is sustainable.

    markie o
    April 24, 2012 at 12:08 am

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