Question for rich businessmen who’s business has bee around since before Clinton (250k+ per year)?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by Stephen Poff
First of all, sorry for not commenting back on my photos or leaving many comments on your photos I’ve just really been working every little job that comes along with the hope to raise as much money possible before leaving on vacation next weekend.

Today was spent photographing a family reunion for a client that has been pretty loyal to me. She paid me more than we agreed on… I think she knew I was working my tail off for her. I then had to turn around and use some of the money on some things that I need for tomorrow’s job.

I’m shooting a wedding tomorrow and wanted a set of close up filters to shoot the rings with and a reflector that was more sturdy than the one I’d been using. Outdoor weddings pretty much require one. I also got a honeycomb grid spot for my Alien Bee’s strobe… pretty much cause the camera store had one and I’d been wanting one.

Later on this evening I was at the wedding rehearsal and then back to the house to burn about 10 DVD’s to deliver to the family reunion coordinator. Busy busy!

I’m ready for the cruise!!!

Question by Free Thinker: Question for rich businessmen who’s business has bee around since before Clinton (250k+ per year)?
So when Clinton raised your individual income taxes, did you raise your prices, and how much? Or did it have any kind of adverse effect on your business?

What do you think? Answer below!

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One Response to Question for rich businessmen who’s business has bee around since before Clinton (250k+ per year)?

  1. No , our prices stayed the same because of competition . However , our 70 employees didn’t get a raise for 6 years . Also our employees had to pay an average of an additional $ 800 yearly in taxes to the federal government when Clinton raised their taxes as well .

    November 7, 2012 at 8:46 am

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