Question about sheep, experienced breeders please, what should I look for to know when lambing is imminent?

Filed under: Goats |

dairy goats
Image by acroamatic

Question by donnybrook: Question about sheep, experienced breeders please, what should I look for to know when lambing is imminent?
This is my first year with lambing my ewes. I have raised dairy goats before and with them there were certain definite signs to watch for to know when kidding was about to take place: softening of the ligament at the tail head was the best way to know kidding would happen within 24 hours. Are there any signs like this to know when the ewe is about to go into labor? My ewe is soft around her tail head and her udder is full but not tight. She is also sort of protruding in her vulvar region. This has changed in the last 24 hours. I have an intercom on at the barn so I can listen. My does were very vocal when labor started. Do ewes do this? Thanks for any advise!

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One Response to Question about sheep, experienced breeders please, what should I look for to know when lambing is imminent?

  1. I’m no expert but here’s a good site that should know 🙂

    if you want to find out other questions goto the main page and click on search.

    I typed “lambing time” and got 2 answers

    Hope that helps

    Dream Scourge
    November 21, 2012 at 4:34 am

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