PSC Student’s Research Project Recycled Plastic bottle solar water heater

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More info visit Pakistan Science Club Student’s Research Project Recycled Plastic bottle solar water heater , research by Ammar, Saad, a…

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25 Responses to PSC Student’s Research Project Recycled Plastic bottle solar water heater

  1. shut up stupid !

    May 24, 2013 at 3:44 am

  2. Good work guys!. Would have been nice to see the pics of it working. I built a solar panel out of black garden pipe sandwich between two window panes and it also worked well , but you idea is very light and wont break easily. Great Idea.

    May 24, 2013 at 4:02 am

  3. which turned out to be just a big lie because no such WMD were ever found so it was very evident it was all about the oil mate! You people love to believe so easily the bull sh1t your government feeds you and you live in a bubble of ignorance over there while the rest of the world laughs at you. Bush was just a war monger to make money. The sad thing is this war killed over 300,000 innocent civilians, yet no one is charged for war crimes for such a bungle. Bush and his cronies should be hung.

    May 24, 2013 at 4:27 am

  4. One question: Could you explain why the transparent bottles proved more efficient?

    Congratulations with your project.

    Regards from Mexico

    May 24, 2013 at 4:50 am

  5. “I will provide a cause for the war whether true or not is irrelevant for the propaganda purposes” Wisdom of the guy with moustache from Germany. What WMD? Did they find any in Iraq? Any? Where are those ghost trucks with WMD labs inside? Do you still believe such stories?Eevery big country which economy is dependant on oil is fighting for it right now.If you have no oil, you have to pay. And if i have oil, i can choose how much i want for it or maybe i won’t sell you:) Think.

    May 24, 2013 at 5:29 am

  6. We (assuming you are also American), wouldn’t invade any country on grounds for profit. We invaded the middle eat/Iraq because they refused to allow WMD weapon inspections. Informally, many Americans enlisted on the principle that Iraq was harboring Al Queda. Dont mix up the two.

    May 24, 2013 at 5:39 am

  7. Thank-you guys for the great video. Can’t understand how I missed it before now, but you have shown how simple and cost effective solar heating can be. I am going to give this a go.

    Tekura Queen
    May 24, 2013 at 6:12 am

  8. A little confusing at the end, what are you using the reflective foil for? is it backing? Wouldn’t black paint be better to attract heat than reflecting heat away? Footage of finished project would be good, maybe for next vid? Power from the Sun! Keep it up!

    May 24, 2013 at 6:27 am

  9. do you think USA would invade and spend milions of $ if they think this is a poor country? You may think Iraq is also a poor country, but at look at it’s local resources and think twice. This country is poor, because stronger nations want it to be that way.

    May 24, 2013 at 6:32 am

  10. yes this is nice invention man

    Ajmal Kiani
    May 24, 2013 at 7:11 am

  11. How did it turn out.?

    May 24, 2013 at 7:40 am

  12. salam
    good work. MAY ALLAH HELP U AND US.
    best of luck.
    do work for spreading the importance of education in Pakistan

    May 24, 2013 at 7:58 am

  13. salam
    good work. MAY ALLAH HELP U AND US.
    best of luck.
    do work for spreading the importance of education in Pakistan

    May 24, 2013 at 8:48 am

  14. Hi, at this very moment I am building a similar design. I also use soda cans inside the bottles. I make holes in them and I glue them together with stainless steel wool between them and then I paint them black with heat resistant paint while a copper tube is inserted already, and after that I make bottles around them. I am in the middle of the building process so I can’t tell any results yet. I hope my bottles won’t melt. Greets and peace from the Netherlands, iT

    May 24, 2013 at 9:05 am

  15. Awesome My friends

    May 24, 2013 at 9:58 am

  16. fair comment, however I still think it is only low amount of capital needed for creating water heaters of this kind. Unless there is some psychological barrier which prevents people from starting(maybe they need permission from govt)

    for example, in this example it should be very easy for these young people to commercialize this project. All they need is some startup capital to buy tools, wood, pipe and plastic bottles (they have labor).

    Othr than capital, govt has no role IMO

    May 24, 2013 at 10:22 am

  17. : it seems true there is no utilization of own technology but even in United States, the government only support research in universities. Individual inventor don’t get grant directly (it does happen).

    What happens here is that when someone invents something they create a product out of it and sell it.

    It seems many people will need this type of heater. Why don’t some people who invented this get together, build a few and sell it? Make money! Why wait for govt?

    its jus pipe & wood!

    May 24, 2013 at 10:33 am

  18. 82Abdul saying right ..

    May 24, 2013 at 11:32 am

  19. The main reason is that their is no utilization of own technology .our industries or people Prefer other country technology.
    if any person invent some thing they don’t have any support from government .

    May 24, 2013 at 12:09 pm

  20. The main reason is that their is no utilization of own technology .our industries or people Prefer other country technology.
    if any person invent some thing they don’t have any support from government .

    May 24, 2013 at 12:16 pm

  21. The main reason is that their is no utilization of own technology .our industries or people Prefer other country technology.
    if any person invent some thing they don’t have any support from government .

    May 24, 2013 at 12:23 pm

  22. The main reason is that their is no utilization of own technology .our industries or people Prefer other country technology.
    if any person invent some thing they don’t have any support from government .

    May 24, 2013 at 1:18 pm

  23. so smart people why is ur country so poor?

    May 24, 2013 at 1:20 pm

  24. zra num h to yeh mittee bari zerkhaiz hay saqi.
    I’m proud to be Pakistani American.
    Allah Haifz

    May 24, 2013 at 2:07 pm

  25. Zra num ho to yeh mittee bari zerkhaiz hay saqi.
    I”m proude to be pakistani American.
    Keep up the good work

    May 24, 2013 at 2:16 pm

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