Pregnancy rash info/ relief ideas?

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Image by Zach Welty
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Question by hoff_mom: Pregnancy rash info/ relief ideas?
I am only 19 weeks pregnant. I have a rash that started on my knee about a week and a half ago, looking like a bug bite which would get very raised, like a bee sting, when scratched. I have also had a respiratory infection and a urinary tract infection during this time. I ended up on MORE antibiotics, as the rash on my knee turned inflamed and weepy, consistent with impetigo (staph/strep infection). Now the weepiness has just about completely cleared up, but the rash is still spreading; besides the enormous original spot on my knee, I have small ones on the back of my other knee, the inside of one elbow, and the back of my arm. So far there are none on my trunk. I have been prescribed Triamcinalone- not working. I’ve read up on pregnancy rashes; some I can rule out, others don’t quite describe how my rash evolved, etc. Is there anyone here with experience with this? And what else can I do for relief, given that I’m just in the middle of my second trimester? Help!
I forgot to add- it REALLY itches. Not constantly, but often, and BAD.

As to the weeping, I would assume, from my somewhat limited understanding, that it was due to bacterial infection most likely introduced by scratching. It has pretty much stopped with the last round of antibiotics. I know there is at least one pregnancy rash that weeps, but other aspects of it do not seem consistent with my rash. The other spots I have, have not wept so far; they are just raised, red, irregular patches ranging in size. Some have kind of a pimply bump or two, but not blistery. Sorry for all the extra info, I’m just hoping somebody with some experience or expertise may stumble on the question and have some answers. I do plan on seeing my doctor… again… and probably will get a referral to a dermatologist. I just know pregnancy rashes last the duration of the pregnancy, and that’s a prospect I don’t feel prepared to cope with at the moment….
Umm… I’m not even halfway to my due date yet. If my doctor told me to “suck it up,” I… well, I won’t go there, but it wouldn’t be pretty.

News bulletin: I just found another spot on the palm of my hand, and there is one near my big toe. It’s gonna be a reeeeaaal long twenty-one weeks at this rate…

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3 Responses to Pregnancy rash info/ relief ideas?

  1. This sounds more like a rash you need to see your doctor for. If the Rx isn’t working, then you might need another one.

    The typical “pregnancy rashes” are usually more like heat rash, not inflamed and weepy.

    Sounds miserable, hon. Hope you get it cleared up and feel better soon.

    August 3, 2012 at 2:41 am

  2. My friend is 30 weeks into her second pregbnancy and just developed a similar rash. The doc put her on a steroid predisone and she had horrible bruising from the steriod. So the doc to her she would just have to suck it up and it should ga away after birth. She says its quite itching and its on her elbow and the inside of her thighs just above the knees. covers a space about the size of a softball at each location. Yours sounds similar but I’d check with the doc just to be sure. Her doc said it was not harmful to the baby just uncomfortable. good luck

    August 3, 2012 at 2:59 am

  3. Hi. I’m 25 years old and I’m into my second pregnancy. I’m only 10 weeks pregnant so I’m not TOO pregnant as of yet. Still, I’m pregnant none the less. (Feels worse the second time around.)

    Just under a week ago I started to develope a rash on the back of my knee. I do get heat rash from time to time just from my body feeling to warm; it doesn’t have to be from the sun. It started out kind of like a heat rash except I don’t really remember getting that hot. Usually once I cool down the rash will go away. This one is there and its worsened. It may have gotten worse because of my itching and scratching. The rash has small raised bumps on it. I’m afraid I’m going to break the bumps open if I scratch anymore.

    Does anyone know what this may be?

    August 5, 2012 at 11:55 am

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