Please help us kids with the pitaful animals!!!?

Filed under: Bees |

Question by <3 Poptart: Please help us kids with the pitaful animals!!!?
Hello,I and my “team” of 14-16 year olds have made this team where we protest against slaughter house’s brutal abuse.And due to the pictures and videos weve seen we are vegan at the moment.We really want to help animals and help the world grow back to the fullest extent,What’s some things that would really get people’s attention and get to them? We are going to do this! We are going to save animals and stop the abuse atleast in out area!!! We have big plan’s and we want to move forward with them,and whats some ways we could raise money??? Our future plans are,”pit bulls have rights too” we are going to try and get abused pit bulls out of bad homes…KFC’s creulty ,they have bee known to beat,bruise,throw,and kill chickens while there alive.They even cut there beaks off while there alive!!! And “animal testing is wrong”,and were trying to raise enough money to build a small rescue and work our way up! We understand how serious a rescue is and were ready to fight for those who cant

Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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3 Responses to Please help us kids with the pitaful animals!!!?

  1. First of all, if you really expect people to take you seriously, do not tell people are you ‘vegan at the moment.’ That would indicate that you aren’t quite sure of your beliefs. And I hate to burst your bubble, but if you PETA campaigns aren’t getting through to the majority, you really have a long road ahead of you.

    September 21, 2012 at 2:42 pm

  2. First off it seems like you guys have been doing your research!! Good job on that. I will have to say you come off sounding REALLY strong and this may turn alot of poeple off thinking that you guys are extremists. There is tons of information on the internet and perhaps even at your local humane society. They could give you tips to start out. You may even want to look into becoming a non-profit organization, check with your parents. There is tons of work involved if you want to do this right. There is also lots of organizations willing to help teens that are interested in helping.

    September 21, 2012 at 3:02 pm

  3. I’d say join up with anti-vivisection groups, animal activist grous, but please, avoid PETA, they say they protect animals but they kill them instead. They are not to be taken seriously – but joining the SPCA as volunteers is a great idea, as well as the Humane Society.
    What you can do immediately, is to give talks at your school and other schools. Some pics, pamphlets, and a slideshow to go with it would be a good start – and the point gets driven home if you have say a pet dog there as well.

    September 21, 2012 at 3:39 pm

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