please explain Pre op Verses post op?

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Question by gsmom: please explain Pre op Verses post op?
Im not bee;n rude i mean i was raised with all uncle/aunty’s .Back then the whole sex change thing wasn’t done like it is today . But those word always confused me.

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7 Responses to please explain Pre op Verses post op?

  1. Pre – before
    Post – after

    October 8, 2012 at 2:31 am

  2. Pre op is b4 surgery, post op is after.
    Some desire this, some don’t.

    October 8, 2012 at 3:31 am

  3. pre op before surgery post op is after.

    October 8, 2012 at 3:41 am

  4. Pre is before surgery and Post is after surgery.

    October 8, 2012 at 3:43 am

  5. Pre-op

    Pre: means before
    op: short for “operation”

    Now put them together–“pre-op” = “before operation”

    Post: means after
    op: still short for operation

    Now put them together– “post-op” = “after operation”

    I color outside the lines
    October 8, 2012 at 4:02 am

  6. What does surgery have to do with sex? It’s about SURGERY, not sex. PRE = BEFORE, POST=AFTER

    October 8, 2012 at 4:50 am

  7. They should confuse you.

    Transitioning involves a social change, hormones, and/or multiple surgeries. And surgery does not necessarily have to do with genitals (ex: they could have to do with the chest) so what surgeries count?

    Pre-op refers to a transsexual who has not had “the operation.”

    Post-op refers to a transsexual who has had “the operation.”

    What is “the operation”? There’s no agreement on that. Somebody who has not had any surgery yet is clearly pre-op; somebody who has had genital reconstruction surgery is clearly post-op. But what about transmen who have had chest reconstruction surgery and/or hysterectomy but nothing on the external genitalia? What about transwomen who have had breast implants and/or removal of the testes but nothing on the penis?

    October 8, 2012 at 5:37 am

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