Planting Organic Corn

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I returned to Bender Organic Farms in the Spring of 2009 to help with planting. This video shows the setup and process we use to prepare for and plant organic corn. We use all organic fertilizer and methods. Weed control is accomplished through various ground working processes. I am just a guy from the city that helps out on the family farm during the busy seasons.

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4 Responses to Planting Organic Corn

  1. What a great video. I’ve just started an organic farm that’s so small I can weed it and kill the bad bugs myself. I can’t imagine how difficult it is to grow on such a large scale. I’m not religious, but thank god for people like you who keep farming organically despite huge obstacles from giant corporations (*cough* Monsanto *cough*) and even the government. Your fans and supporters are out there! Never give up.

    December 27, 2012 at 3:46 am

  2. Hi, thanks for the video.  you said that the fertilizer runs between $50.- $100./ acre. Can you compare that to non-organic fertilizer? What is the price difference?

    December 27, 2012 at 4:22 am

  3. I talked to Sheldon, my brother-in-law about your questions. He said they expect about 10-20% less production per acre than traditional, non-organic farming.  The organic fertilizer cost runs between $50-100/acre.

    December 27, 2012 at 5:02 am

  4. I really like the video, my wife and i are just getting started farming and we are wanting to farm all organic. this video has been helpful. I was woundering what type of yields they got from useing the fertelizer and just what it may cost per acre?

    December 27, 2012 at 5:40 am

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