Permaculture 101

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Permaculture expert Penny Livingston-Stark shows how natural systems can teach us better design practices. Learning to work with the earth not only creates a healthier environment, it also nourishes the people who live in it.

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25 Responses to Permaculture 101

  1. @jobedied we must be the change we wish to see!!

    October 20, 2011 at 3:39 am

  2. Control of population and consumption moves directly into a full blown head on collision with wall street and our own government. GDP is based on an exponential growth of 4% to 5% and a steady population growth of at least 1.5 to 2% per year.
    Economies based on science and natural process are great and should be what we aim for but will sorry to say not happening. World economies are based on greed, deceit, war, and exploitation. It’s that simple straight forward and will not change easily.

    October 20, 2011 at 3:57 am

  3. is it possible for me to move to a place like this.
    or how can i start from scratch

    October 20, 2011 at 4:17 am

  4. I really appreciate what you are doing here, but PLEASE stop “using” other “sentient beings”! They have just as much right to live as THEY CHOOSE – not fenced (enslaved) where human animals think they should be! BTW, we humans are herbivore/frugivore… not designed to consume ANY “nonhuman” animal products (“their” milk or potential fetuses -eggs). THANK YOU!

    October 20, 2011 at 4:22 am

  5. ” In rural USA most people are educated by the right wing corporate agenda.”

    Uhm, you do know that it’s the “right wing” that encourages people to have their own land, own food, and own water source (private wells), so they are not dependent on the government, don’t you? It’s the “left wing” that encourages otherwise (they want you to be dependent on them, so they can control you), and it’s the “left wing” that’s in the education system now, teaching our kids to be socialists, to be reliant.

    October 20, 2011 at 4:58 am

  6. I wish all the world to understand this way of living.

    October 20, 2011 at 5:00 am

  7. Ideals and govt mandates on people make this no better than communist china. These types of mandates reduce Free Will and Liberty. Those govt. that impose shuch doctines are, when you look at the writings of marx and socialist and others, they are luciferian. You mention education, many state colleges project a socialist incdoctrination on youth. Most are funded by elite socialist engeneering endowments. We are beeing fed a heavy dose of mind control every day. Dont be so nieve and wake up.

    October 20, 2011 at 5:33 am

  8. @rsaathoff We don’t HAVE to make a lot of babies. If more adopt and not have more than 2 kids, the World might be just fine. Just cuz a thing is permissible, doesn’t mean it is beneficial. I have no problem with only procreating once or twice and when I’m done with my education and settle down, I look forward to adopting as well. God gave us sense along with free will. So far we are not able to travel to and live on new planets, until then we might think about preserving this one for the future.

    October 20, 2011 at 5:53 am

  9. @Caoimhinism Before anyone cries… I live off much less than 1000 a month. Don’t tell me you need to charge to let people put up a tent and walk around with you as you explain what you do. Besides you will be getting free work from us. I have no problem buying my own meals either, it wont cost me even 100 to last two weeks. People need to stop being greedy so we can all pitch in and heal our Earth Mother while freeing our Selves.

    October 20, 2011 at 6:13 am

  10. @nicolatwo Exactly! I know it’s an old post, but… I’ve been searching for a way to learn this for the last 3 months. I’m willing to work, apprentice, whatever. But nearly all seem to want to CHARGE big dollars, like USD 1000 to 3000 or more for a two week course. What? This knowledge needs to be FREE just like the lifestyle it promotes. This should not be a money making certificate factory. When I learn it, and I will, I’m going to teach for free. Mother Earth NEEDS this! We NEED this.

    October 20, 2011 at 6:20 am

  11. I agree with the basic priciples but I am totally turned off by the limiting of population metioned here. That is a UN luciferian doctine. See the Agenda 21 proposal by the UN.

    I agree with this concept because it gives people independence from socialist government. Autonomy is Liberty. I also do beleive we should be good stewards of God’s gift.

    October 20, 2011 at 6:41 am

  12. @footholdstraps This is going on all over the world. Education is key, race doesn’t have anything to do with education of the people.

    October 20, 2011 at 7:21 am

  13. I’ve read several of these comments and there seems to be a bit of anger in some of the voices here. I’m not sure where that’s coming from. I don’t think she meant to limit one’s right to procreate, but to limit ourselves to what each of us can handle without causing further negative impacts upon the Earth. just because we can fill a place, does that mean we necessarily need to? Education is key to getting back to self-sustainability. Big industry is the problem and people are the cure.

    October 20, 2011 at 7:38 am

  14. is this only for white folks ?

    October 20, 2011 at 7:39 am

  15. i don’t want to get hurt either,i had daydreams came out of gealogy class,can say what earth is made of which might promote …in short solutions. [going east has caused many problems]. This is not fair response to compassion.

    October 20, 2011 at 8:36 am

  16. Ants overpopulate the earth, and its VITAL. Thats all we need to do, become more vital to the surrounding ecosystem. maybe permaculture is one valid way, but I dont see the way of the coming green food-energy-tower-structures to be wrong either.

    October 20, 2011 at 8:57 am

  17. @jammatoonarmy lets really look at the problems at their cause, not in seperation but interconnectedly. as they really are and as all things in nature are – peace – inlakech.

    October 20, 2011 at 9:16 am

  18. @pseudonamed yes, i agree. but that wasnt how it was put, though. out of interest you might want to know i think my comment here was a little wound me up and that was shown in the self richeousness of my remark!! however i do think their is a constant attack on ppl as the cause of the enviromental problems we face upon this earth. as opposed to the government and trans-national corporations that have assigned value/ownership to every possible thing upon this once ever-green earth

    October 20, 2011 at 9:41 am

  19. @jammatoonarmy it’s true there is a lot of “space” left on earth, but only so much is capable of growing food. we will run out at some point if the population continues to expand, because the earth itself is not growing larger over time. it is better to just have 1 or 2 children per family now, so that we can avoid having our descendants starve to death or die in food wars in the future, don’t you think?

    October 20, 2011 at 9:44 am

  20. @jammatoonarmy You should. It’s commie-pinko-hippie-tree-hugger BS. I’m ALL FOR PERMACULTURE as a design system that is ecologically sound because I live on the planet and have a brain. But it’s clear, and Bill Mollison repeated this ad infinitum, a core rational part of this system . . . is wait of it . . profit. He’s smart. It’s a productive system that can help feed the population of earth, our fellow human beings.

    October 20, 2011 at 9:46 am

  21. i have a very big problem with this video. she as much as calls for a reduction in world population! who is she/anyone to make such a claim at this point in our socail evolution? if you gave every man woman and child on earth one acer of land and we all moved to austrailia, it still would not be full, not by a long shot! what we need is not a reduction in world population but rather a revolution in harts and minds from the first world in how to live within our planet at peace with our fellow man

    October 20, 2011 at 10:12 am

  22. @nicolatwo: Lead by example. Do it. Benefit from it. Others will follow.

    October 20, 2011 at 10:30 am

  23. The things you are using and taking part in are very expensive. Where does the money come from?

    October 20, 2011 at 10:34 am

  24. global one-ness? no thanks..

    October 20, 2011 at 10:47 am

  25. That’s a lot in 3.17 minutes!

    Regarding comments –
    I often hear ‘permie’ fans lamenting the ignorance of rural (rednecks). Try reading up, or better yet, go out and ask century-farmers about the history of agricultural reform.

    Rural folks know the land in roots and bones, not words. They been preached at for ages, by earnest college kids selling snake oil, bad science, and poison. Smart ones play dumb or flat-out lie when the latest opinionated city kid shows up.

    They have reasons.

    October 20, 2011 at 11:36 am

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