Parents: What’s the minimum temperature you let your children go out barefoot?

Filed under: Bees |

Question by icnu: Parents: What’s the minimum temperature you let your children go out barefoot?
Either because they want to go barefoot or you want to encourage them because you know it’s good for them? (Or even forcing them against their will? I hope not the latter, it should be a personal choice still.)
I have noticed parents who told their children “You cannot go barefoot, it’s way too cold” when it wasn’t cold at all.

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8 Responses to Parents: What’s the minimum temperature you let your children go out barefoot?

  1. I NEVER would let my kid go barefoot outside the home. They could step on a bee, a needle, a tack, a nail… Its just not safe in my opinion. Much more chance for them to get hurt unnessarily. Sandles however, are OK for me as long at its over 70 and sunny.

    Lacy Loo
    February 1, 2013 at 11:35 pm

  2. Barefoot inside– all the time
    Barefoot outside– I don’t have any idea. 65 degrees? Though I think kids are pretty good judges of what is most comfortable. I care less about the temperature and more about the conditions outside (if it is an area safe for their feet– free from ant piles, and other debris) But walking on a nice grassy area barefoot is one of life’s little pleasures so when possible I allow it.

    February 1, 2013 at 11:36 pm

  3. They never go out bare foot.
    Its not safe at all.
    They’ll go bare foot in the house if its nice and warm. ONLY IN THE HOUSE!

    February 1, 2013 at 11:40 pm

  4. Never. The thought of walking around outside barefoot makes me cringe. Hubby does it all the time…I can’t.

    Mrs. D Jake's Mommy 3/11/10
    February 1, 2013 at 11:43 pm

  5. Honestly whenever they want. Kids have the common sense to know when their feet get too cold. And if they want to be stupid and go in the middle of the winter and they get sick, they learn. Now id say not to let them walk around w/o shoes until around four or five, but they need to be supervised constantly at that age, no matter what. And kids need to live and learn. And to the first responder, a bee sting? Really? Very rarely are people alergic, for one. And plus they need to watch where they step. Sheesh. U must be a nofun mom. I was raised barefoot basicly. I got stung all the time. Heck, i used to chase bees. But ok.

    Pepsii Cola Model
    February 2, 2013 at 12:37 am

  6. As long as there isn’t snow on the ground, I don’t care. If they’re brainless enough not to notice they have cold feet, it’s not my problem.

    February 2, 2013 at 1:11 am

  7. I don’t let my kids go barefoot at all.

    February 2, 2013 at 2:03 am

  8. I let my daughter make that decision. If she is comfortable that is all that matters. I go barefoot all the time, even in the winter. If it is freezing or below, we both are in shoes however. I feel sorry for these children that are not allowed to be kids. Bee stings, glass, all nonsense. I am barefoot all the time and have been barefoot in many, many places and have not stepped on one bee, piece of glass, needles and the other debris that the “nanny state” types are convinced blankets every sidewalk in America. I am glad I grew up in a time when kids could be kids.

    February 2, 2013 at 3:03 am

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