Our cat is reacting badly to our new puppy? What to do?

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Image by Marj Joly
Raised bed with swiss chard and perpetual spinach. Brassica cage has cabbages, broccoli and brussels sprouts.

Question by mel m: Our cat is reacting badly to our new puppy? What to do?
We’ve had our cat for 5 years. She was raised with a large and small dog. 2 years ago, we had to put our big dog to sleep (he was 18) and a few months ago our little dog was also put down (health reasons) and our little kitten just died from feline lukemia 2 weeks ago. Now we have a new puppy and while he is young (5-months), he is not bigger than the old one. The cat HATES the new dog and refuses to come downstairs or interat at all with him. I won’t move her food upstairs because the dog is crated during the day and sleeps with us at night, so she has access. Is there anything I can do? Should I force her to sit with him or just move her food upstairs so she never has to come down? Is this just a nervous reaction from losing all the other pets? I don’t know what to do because she was always the queen bee of all the pets – our 80+ pound dog used to walk around her because she scared him! Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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7 Responses to Our cat is reacting badly to our new puppy? What to do?

  1. Do What My Nana Does Feed Them Sepratly Put The Cat In A Seprate Room Until She Gets Used To Your New Dog

    Hope It Helps: Slipknot Rules!

    Slipknot Rulez !
    July 18, 2012 at 11:23 pm

  2. hmm, well, I’m currently dealing with a cat who gets “stressed out” by our other cat…so I understand the frustration. well…the thing is, the puppy is 5 months old, meaning it’s probably still a little terror! Best thing to do is leave them alone, they will adapt to each other eventually and I’m sure you know that if the puppy tries any funny business, your cat could and would easily defend itself. I’d say no worries.

    July 19, 2012 at 12:08 am

  3. just give it time all animals take time to adjust to other animals , your cat is probably a bit confused or shocked that your previous dogs are gone , try putting them in a large room together for an hour once a day this will help them to get more familiar and used to each other , good luck dont worry o.k

    david b
    July 19, 2012 at 12:57 am

  4. Just give your cat some time to get use to the dog. I have 3 cats and have been through this many times. They will get along it just takes time. On the dog whisperer a couple was having that problem and he just sat on the couch holding both pets and after a few minutes they did calm down. You could try it. I’m not that brave.

    cara b
    July 19, 2012 at 1:15 am

  5. No I wouldn’t put them together. She will come around soon keep things the way it was before you got the new pup. you might want to kinda have the dog in your lap and try to call her over she might warm up better that way. You didn’t say how long you have had the puppy but I think she will come around soon. But you also said your other dogs were scared of her. I would try to close off the rooms upstairs. get some treats and try to get her to come down when the dog is up in her cage.

    cori w
    July 19, 2012 at 1:35 am

  6. Your puppy is just that—a puppy, meaning that he is probably a little too boisterous for your kitty’s taste. I believe that since your cat is accustomed to dogs, she will get used to the puppy in time. Meanwhile, please make sure that the puppy is not allowed to chase or harrass the kitty. And please provide kitty with a tall cat perch or other object where she can get comfortably away from the puppy if she needs to. They will make friends eventually, but it will probably just require some maturing on the puppy’s part. Good luck!

    gypsy_cat 345
    July 19, 2012 at 1:58 am

  7. seperate them

    July 19, 2012 at 2:06 am

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