Organic Fertilizing : Organic Vs. Chemical Fertilizers

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Chemical fertilizers can actually cause damage to your plants. Learn about the difference between organic and chemical fertilizer in this free gardening video about how to use organic fertilizers on plants. Expert: Michael Clark Contact: Bio: Michael Clark is a trained horticulturist with a BS in agriculture and a strong sense of responsibility for the natural world. He is the co-founder of the Santa Fe Botanical Garden. Filmmaker: melissa jenkins

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25 Responses to Organic Fertilizing : Organic Vs. Chemical Fertilizers

  1. Always go or use organic fertilizer it won’t harm our nature. It’s an high time to think the natural solution for fertilizing plants.

    October 11, 2011 at 10:03 pm

  2. 1. Compost is composed of chemicals. It is a howling idiocy to pit “chemical” fertilizers against “organic” fertilizers. N is N, P is P and K is K.

    2. Dissolved N P and K is not “a direct line of shooting energy into the plant.” That is an ignorant comment. Energy comes from the sun, not elements.

    3. If it were true that “chemical” plants were fed just the three nutrients N P and K, the plants wouldn’t grow.

    4. Organic farming is a religion.

    October 11, 2011 at 10:32 pm

  3. I agree with Organic, but this video doesn’t directly address the pros vs cons. It simply says ‘Organic is good; Chemicals are bad’. I’d like to see more videos breaking down the ecological & biological pros & cons so that people UNDERSTAND the difference.

    October 11, 2011 at 11:31 pm

  4. Organic rocks,
    It is the best of natures bounty

    October 12, 2011 at 12:25 am

  5. Prescot Bush, The Rockefellers, and I G Farbin were behind Chemical Fertilizer Industry . They also funded Hitler in WW2 ..They are made from coal tar and crude oil.(Ammonium Nitrate , Ammonium Sulfate) HIGHLY TOXIC. !! linked to Alzheimers and cancer!..Use organic its much safer..

    October 12, 2011 at 12:58 am

  6. I grow organic (continual composting) but if our nation had to rely on organic food we’d starve after running out of money! LOL Organic is expensive because it is so labor intensive. It does not produce in quantity or size that fertilizer does. Also, many fertilizer are “friendly” (unlike the old days). Finally, farmers using fertilizer do not have to select only certain plants to use – they can grow almost anything.

    October 12, 2011 at 1:14 am

  7. There’s more to fertilisers than N,P & K.
    The roles of secondary and micro-nutrients are just as critical to crop yield and quality and can be provided by no other way than foliar fertiliser application.
    Like it or not, fertiliser application is here to stay in one form or another… and as an increasingly expensive and sparing resource it’s use is becoming more discrete with every passing year. Just look at the growth of GPS fertiliser application for proof.

    October 12, 2011 at 1:25 am

  8. i dont know how i buy that i hope someone tall me

    October 12, 2011 at 1:41 am

  9. I only use chemical fertilizers during vegetative growth

    October 12, 2011 at 1:46 am

  10. Alaska Fish Fertilizer, 5-1-1 & Alaska Morbloom, 0-10-10, & i compost everything. i have used miraclegro, but only 1/2 or 1/4 of the recommended mix.

    October 12, 2011 at 2:22 am

  11. Chemical fertilizer fanatics often say that plants don’t give a crap how they get their food. True, but we aren’t talking about plants, we are talking about an entire ecosystem and soil biology. Farmers have no incentive to underuse chemical fertilizers since they come by so cheaply and underuse would result in poor(er) yields. As an end result you will always get dead zone disasters

    October 12, 2011 at 3:00 am

  12. @DocGreen15 ….in a more harsh environment. improper fertilizers carry pathogens that can be harmful to other plant life and humans. especially fecal matter fertilizers. just because something goes into the ground doesn’t mean that it is biodegradable. above mentioned pathogens sometimes stay in the ground and sometimes food making people sick or harder to grow crops. I would seriously ask you to do some research doc. but i know you will only look for what you want to see. science>fads.

    October 12, 2011 at 3:42 am

  13. @DocGreen15 The crop takes almost twice as much land to get the same yield genetic crops have, scientists engineer “SAFER” biodegradable non toxic to human sprays. 70% is a semi rough estimate. Look at the companies that make this “organic” product then look at the parent companies. It is all big business just making a profit. Read actual regulations on what is and is not organic farming. Never said anything about a fertalizer in 3rd world country. but gentic crops can be engineered to grow….

    October 12, 2011 at 4:18 am

  14. @daveasbr

    Your very close minded, obviously the chemical ferts would be replaced with organic, no one would starve.

    Feel free to continue to buy synthetic ferts though, as oil goes up so do they.

    I’ll stick with guano’s, seaweed, rockdust, bone meal, worm casts.

    How long have people been using sythetic fertilisers?

    October 12, 2011 at 4:19 am

  15. @BaneOfFreeSpeech

    What did people die of or get sick from?

    Whats not biodegradable?

    What crop takes twice as much land?

    Where do you get the 70% from? Why does it matter anyway?

    What organic fertiliser cannot be used in a so called “3rd world country”?

    I’ve seen plenty of people in south africa planting normal seed and making them, not buying them. Because they feed the soil with organic ferts, remineralise it with rock dust, they are able to grow without hardly anything.

    October 12, 2011 at 4:46 am

  16. thats interesting but chill out

    any resources you recommend i check out wrt this?

    October 12, 2011 at 4:50 am

  17. Ever done research on the “organic” fertilizers and pesticides? How people are dying and getting sick just by handling these organics? how they arn’t biodegradable. how they take twice as much land, 70% is run by big business, cant grow them as well in 3rd world countries, and cost more. totally awesome. but i guess if your not starving why care about the 2+billion people genetically enhanced crops are feeding. try telling a starving african organics are better.

    October 12, 2011 at 4:51 am

  18. always organic
    its about what you are putting in your body and how good you want plants to taste imo

    October 12, 2011 at 5:18 am

  19. I personally like to use worm castings, worms are easy to grow and collecting the castings is pretty strait forward and simple, but I’m not gonna bad mouth anyone who uses manufactured fertilizers like whats in miracle grow….it all comes down to personal preference.

    October 12, 2011 at 5:52 am

  20. One of his comments is way off base. Chemical fertilizer can be way more than just N-P-K, you can also add all the micronutrients that you need as well. Do your soil test, buy the right formulation and forget about going organic unless you are trying to sell to those who are willing to pay more for the same products, only “organic”. Also, about 40% of the world’s food comes from chemical fertilizers. So, you only have to decide which 2.5 billion people on this planet don’t get fed.

    October 12, 2011 at 6:04 am

  21. I’m on the fence on this issue, as a first time grower.

    I am using chemical fertilizer, but I also would never think baby formula is the total subtitute for mother’s milk.

    Wild caught salmon is also proven to have better flavor, color, and nutritive value than farm raised salmon.

    Plants are smart. I want to use natural fertilizers next year.

    October 12, 2011 at 6:18 am

  22. non-organic is only for the lazy

    or greed crazed corporation who cares about profits than health

    nature is organic how can you argue about that

    October 12, 2011 at 7:13 am

  23. I’m going to have to disagree with previous posters–

    I opt most often for organic gardening because it has several advantages.

    1. It is dynamic. You are learning about the structure of soils and chemical composition of nature. Very utilitarian.

    2. You are creating more nutrient dense food. No question about this.

    3. You are creating an ecosystem, learning to control it in your favor.

    It is a hands-on course in ecology and biology. As a biologist, it is fascinating to learn from nature.

    October 12, 2011 at 7:30 am

  24. perfect

    October 12, 2011 at 7:57 am

  25. There is nothing wrong with using pure NPK fertiliser – as long as you make sure the plants are getting the necessary micronutrients as well.

    In fact, manufactured fertiliser is better because it gives you more control. If you don’t want to get all scientific and mix it yourself, there are plenty of pre-mixed solutions you can get to fit all your plant’s needs

    October 12, 2011 at 8:25 am

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