Organic Farming

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Boggy Creek Farm shows us how to farm organic

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25 Responses to Organic Farming

  1. Organic farming doesn’t work for large farmers, so stop telling farmers to go organic!!! Im from Western Australia. and we grew GM Canola this year. It can be killed. and its only resistant to the chemical for the first 5 weeks, then it goes back to normal canola. The seed from the crop isnt GM. if you spray it with the chemical it will die. A farmer that is 300 ks south of me got sued for seed blowing over the neighbours property, it went 50 metres in. It got sprayed out this year and died. !!

    October 6, 2011 at 9:59 pm

  2. We don’t allow monster trucks on our highways to crush the little economy cars. So why are we allowing Monster Monsanto to crush our economy? Why are we allowing that beast to run down and squash family farms, America’s national treasures? Why are we allowing that road hog to poison us with its stinky exhaust?
    We need to get Monster Monsanto off America’s highways and put it in a corral where it belongs.

    October 6, 2011 at 10:56 pm

  3. ECONOMY 101
    The economy is like a garden — not a sprawling agribusiness, with endless rows of one crop, but an organic garden, diversified, harmonious, and lush with new growth. Tend the economy garden this way:
    1. Support small businesses.
    2. Curb large corporations that bully them out of business.
    3. Supply more college funding for students.
    4. Facilitate more business loans to entrepreneurs.
    5. Buy American; keep American businesses in America.
    Someone please put a leash on Monster Monsanto!

    October 6, 2011 at 11:47 pm

  4. When I was in college (UCDavis), I lived at the Agrarian Effort Co-op in a house with ten unique people. In the backyard we grew our own food organically and cooked gourmet vegetarian meals. We ate dinner as a family — at a big table, discussing our diverse views.
    The good organic food made me healthy. I was a marathon runner at the time; the vegetarian food gave me all the nutrients I needed.
    Room and board cost $100 a month, and the co-op was the best education I received at college.

    October 7, 2011 at 12:27 am

  5. ~*~During the Great Depression many people would have starved if it wasnt for fruit trees, there is no reason why we cant all work together and plant fruit trees, EVERY single Chruch in the world should have fruit trees on its property to help feed the less fortunate~*~ ~~~Plant Fruit Trees Worldwide in 2011~~~

    October 7, 2011 at 12:40 am

  6. What water source do you use instead of city water ?

    October 7, 2011 at 12:46 am

  7. 1:30 City Water, Flouride? Chemical’s?WTF I FUK’n KNEW IT!!! im pissed

    October 7, 2011 at 1:46 am

  8. thats the stuff grow it smoke it eat it live it

    October 7, 2011 at 1:54 am

  9. Right on organic farmers!

    October 7, 2011 at 2:06 am

  10. @f1zzrawr god didnt grow food, god was like BAM theres some humans for me to devour in 2012. hope they are ripe (my country sure is)

    October 7, 2011 at 2:19 am

  11. I liked your video very much.

    October 7, 2011 at 2:32 am

  12. @GaGirlie777 as in you can’t grow food the way god grew it?

    October 7, 2011 at 3:27 am

  13. Try my recipes by your veggie ! Chaek my channel

    October 7, 2011 at 4:15 am

  14. Nice farming operation. I enjoy organic gardening as well.

    October 7, 2011 at 4:39 am

  15. I garden organically but still use herbicide to take out weeds. I found this tool that makes application easy and keeps herbicide away from your plants, check it out – weedcaneDOTcom

    October 7, 2011 at 5:10 am

  16. Are the illegals in the video help as an insecticide?…lol

    October 7, 2011 at 5:56 am

  17. @JeannaBeanna007 You are absolutely correct. And might I add the comments about sickness are 100% verifiable. I many people have to die of or suffer from cancer or diabetes for people to wake up. Our life is toxic. It’s in the fuel, the food, the environment…you have to get the chemicals out. Detoxify…only organics can do it. And as for the ability of organics to feed the question…we have hydroponic systems that can produce 80 plants in a 10×15 room. that works

    October 7, 2011 at 6:13 am

  18. if your using rain or tap water to water your farm than you still have chemicals in your food from the chemtrails and flouride. To have true organic food it must NOT be exposed to the outdoors and a water system totally seperate that ionize the water. Para magnetism is the capacity of the soil to receive, store and convert electromagnetic energy from the atmosphere. 4 more info Skype gmw,llc

    October 7, 2011 at 7:06 am

  19. if your using rain or tap water to water your farm than you still have chemicals in your food from the chemtrails and flouride. To have true organic food it must NOT be exposed to the outdoors and a water system totally seperate that ionize the water. Para magnetism is the capacity of the soil to receive, store and convert electromagnetic energy from the atmosphere. 4 more info Skype gmw,llc

    October 7, 2011 at 8:02 am

  20. if your using rain or tap water to water your farm than you still have chemicals in your food from the chemtrails and flouride. To have true organic food it must NOT be exposed to the outdoors and a water system totally seperate that ionize the water. Para magnetism is the capacity of the soil to receive, store and convert electromagnetic energy from the atmosphere. 4 more info Skype gmw,llc

    October 7, 2011 at 8:18 am

  21. Basalt rock dust establishes optimum soil conditions that could reduce the rate of loss of released nutrient element by leaching, and provide a readily available nutrient source for plants. Basalt igneous rocks contain a broad spectrum of up to 100 minerals and trace elements necessary for the well being of all life and the creation of fertile soils. 4 more info Skype gmw,llc

    October 7, 2011 at 8:41 am

  22. Basalt rock dust establishes optimum soil conditions that could reduce the rate of loss of released nutrient element by leaching, and provide a readily available nutrient source for plants. Basalt igneous rocks contain a broad spectrum of up to 100 minerals and trace elements necessary for the well being of all life and the creation of fertile soils. 4 more info Skype gmw,llc

    October 7, 2011 at 9:30 am

  23. If you don’t want to eat organic then don’t, that is your choice. But keep your ridiculous comments about it to yourself…there will be plenty of chemically altered food for you to enjoy!

    October 7, 2011 at 9:46 am

  24. Organic is great. No more issues with health because of the ingested chemicals. Ignorance is bliss though…I see so many negative comments regarding organic farming and I laugh because these people haven’t done the research to understand the benefits of going organic. They are the same people complaining about all of their ailments and medications needed to relieve their symptoms.

    October 7, 2011 at 10:26 am

  25. @coirgreen no, organic farming is a load of shit. With the human population rising like it is, organic farming wouldnt be able to provide food for half the world. Yes we think that we can just grow less food because we live in rich, developed countries, but some people dont have the luxury of just saying, “I dont want to eat this food”.

    October 7, 2011 at 10:26 am

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