New Beekeeper – What to do now

Filed under: Videos | What a new beekeeper needs to look for in his (her) hive. Honey (food) & pollen. Late winter or early spring, we need to be sure our bees have enough food (honey) to be sure they don’t starve in case of a few days in a row of rain. You can’t control the pollen very well but you sure can keep them from starving. Next, be sure you have a laying Queen and hopefully a good ( very good ) Queen. When I say very good Queen, one that is laying a lot of eggs and a solid pattern, not a lot of missed cells. The Queen is everything. A mediocre Queen doesn’t get. This time of year, you should see eggs, larvae & capped brood. As your going through the hive frame by frame, be conscious of any Queen cells. If you see a lot of Queen Cells, they are getting ready to swarm. You don’t want your hive to swarm as you stand a good chance of loosing the swarm. To see step by step how to put brood frames together and inbed the foundation go to This is not accurate but it is easy to remember. 8 8 8 They will cap the Queen cell in 8 days The Queen will immerge in 8 days & she will start laying in 8 days. Bad weather can alter the time frame. All typos and grammatical errors are for entertainment purposes only Demonstrating to a new beekeeper how to assemble brood frames Here are some of my honey bee videos How a beekeeper starts tomato seeds indoors About beekeeper Tim Durham Sr. youtu

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2 Responses to New Beekeeper – What to do now

  1. Your welcome and very kind. Beekeepers helped me when I started over 40 years ago and it is a pleasure helping someone. Any time & have a good one.

    April 5, 2012 at 3:45 pm

  2. Your a great bee teacher. Thanks so much for your videos and answers! When I removed the comb from the outer cover last week I accidentally trapped the queen in the honey super for a week. She is now back in the bottom. Everything should be ok now. Thanks for your help.

    April 5, 2012 at 4:24 pm

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