Names For Goats – Options For You To Select When Raising Goats

Filed under: Goats |

raise goats
Image by Ed Yourdon
(more details later, as time permits)


On my way to dinner at a nearby sushi restaurant the other night, I stopped at a local playground to see if there was anything interesting to photograph. I found that a local community organizer, Darrin Dunn, had raised some contributions to provide uniform-style t-shirts for two competing teams of basketball players in the playground’s court, which has been named "Goat Courts."

Dunn is the CEO of the Earl Manigault Foundation, Inc., and you can reach him by phone at 832-660-1039 if you’d like to offer assistance; he doesn’t have a Website or email address at the moment. The foundation, and the basketball court, are named after the legendary Earl "the Goat" Manigault, who died in 1998 after playing professional basketball in France and Germany. You can learn more about Manigault, the basketball court, and the local tournaments in a July 10, 2009 Black Star News article titled Hope Dreams – Beyond Basketball, which was written by Mitch Ligon, whose chess-playing talents (in the same park) I showed in this Flickr photo.

Anyway, it was an interesting game, with lots of action. I took some 300 shots, and whittled it down to 30 keepers; I’ll upload 10 of them each day, while trying to juggle my other work demands…

raise goats
by Sifu Renka

Article by Ted Allen

Goats are a playful and delightful addition to a lot of barnyards all over the country. Thinking up of a suitable name for your caprine pet is vital, as a lot of goats live to be ten years old or more. The following are ideas of names for goats in order to stir up your imagination:

Black SabbathThis is one of the most fitting names for goats which are dark-colored or black because Black Sabbath is a name of a heavy-metal band that features men with horns on their covers regularly.

AberforthIn the story of Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore who was the Hogwarts Headmaster had a sibling named Aberforth. Aberforth was tried and found guilty for placing improper spells on a goat. In the Harry Potter movies, the bar of Aberforth in Hogsmeade frequently had goats portrayed running inside and outside of it.

DysonAs it may not actually be factual that goats consume anything they can get with their mouths, they do seem like they eat much more than you would expect they could just by glancing at them. Dyson is among the popular names for goats based on the vacuum brand which guarantees to take out everything out of a carpet.

PanPan is known as the horned god of playfulness and mischief in Ancient Greek mythology. Pan is depicted a lot as having a goat’s horns and lower body, kind of similar to the goat version of the centaur. Pan is among the great names for goats which are playful, young and likes to have a fun time.

PuckPuck is the mischievous and spunky fairy in the William Shakespeare play entitled ‘A Midsummer’s Night Dream’. Puck is portrayed time and again by actors donning goat horns.

AriesAries is one of the constellation names in the Zodiac. It portrays a ram which is lying down in the evening sky. The astrology symbol of Aries is regarded to be a very manly symbol, ruled by the planet Mars and fire. Aries would be the most fitting name for a red brown colored goat, or goats who have a very manly and bucky attitude.

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