My Worm Farm Experiment, small scale

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After watching PaladinPrepper’s Video, “Worm Factory 360 Setup” I decided to replicate the “Worm Factory” on a much smaller scale. I used shoe boxes and organic medium with worms I bought at Walmart in the sporting goods department, bait worms for pan-fish. I thought long and hard and looked at all their containers and setteled on the shoe boxes. I hope you enjoy this video and PLEASE COMMENT WITH YOUR Observations… And Check out PaladinPrepper’s channel at Thanks and God Bless…

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15 Responses to My Worm Farm Experiment, small scale

  1. no rush Paula may have answered the question for ya 🙂 but I will look forward for when you get around to it 🙂 no need to thank me your the one who done the sharing 😀 so thank you sir 🙂

    June 20, 2012 at 3:52 am

  2. Thanks, I’m a bit behind on my videos… Will have to get to it soon. Thanks…

    June 20, 2012 at 4:41 am

  3. it’s been a few months now will you be doing an update on your worm factory/farm project ?

    June 20, 2012 at 5:22 am

  4. Thanks Son….

    June 20, 2012 at 5:56 am

  5. nice vid

    June 20, 2012 at 5:57 am

  6. Well, now you’ve got me thinking. My daughter, “Prepper A”, and I like to go fishing on those rare occasions when we get a chance, but the Red Wigglers are just too small to put on a hook. Now that I’ve moved all my Red Wigglers to the Worm Factory 360, I think I’ll now use that big plastic tub you saw to do what you’re doing and raise the large bait worms. If they begin to really take off, as you indicate, I can always go ahead and get the smaller, more manageable containers. Thx

    June 20, 2012 at 6:12 am

  7. Thanks Great Info… Blessings

    June 20, 2012 at 6:46 am

  8. Thanks. I have found the bait worms to be voracious in my experiment, eating everything I throw at them in fairly short order(days). I expect most worm habitat is similar and the bait was pretty cheep. I plan on raising both in the spring. My grandmother called the worms you are referring to as “Slop Worms, or Red Worms” and the ones I have as “Wigglers” They both are GREAT as fish bait. Only, in my past attempt to raise “Slop Worms” I had problems with maggots and or ants. WDYT?

    June 20, 2012 at 6:52 am

  9. As a qualifier, I might also add that if your primary purpose for raising the worms is for bait, then it makes perfect sense to use the larger earthworms you’ve already bought. The reason for the Red Wigglers (Eisenia Foetida) is to use their big appetite to go through lots of vegetables scraps, etc.,, and create lots of ‘worm tea’, which would then be diluted and used in your garden.

    June 20, 2012 at 7:25 am

  10. This concept should work and the small scale should make it quite manageable. I notice that you’ve chosen to create your vermiculture with something other than Red Wigglers. Interesting. My primary reason for going ahead and getting the Red Wigglers is because of their voracious appetite. You also might want to check out the information at “unclejimswormfarm(dot)com” and click on the “FAQ” section, as well as the “Get Started” link.

    June 20, 2012 at 8:17 am

  11. It’s been about a month now and they are really doing well. I have not had any luck with worms before… We’ll see how it goes. This is a small scale test. I plan on doing something on a larger scale in the spring… Blessings Brother

    June 20, 2012 at 9:14 am

  12. I’ve seen lots of folks do the worm bins. I haven’t tried it yet. Kinda afraid I’d end up with a rotten mess, like when you leave night crawlers in the cup too long on a hot day ! Best of luck to ya!

    June 20, 2012 at 9:46 am

  13. You know I never even thought about that… THANKS, that’s a really good suggestion. I have an update video recorded and am working on editing now. I have all the unused boxes stacked under the grow chamber. I’ll let you know how it goes… God Bless

    June 20, 2012 at 10:37 am

  14. Great idea! I am interested to see how it goes. One suggestion though, you might want to find a way to make the boxes opaque. Worms don’t like the light and they probably won’t thrive in clear boxes. Maybe paint them or use tape on the outsides of the boxes.

    June 20, 2012 at 10:40 am

  15. ¡Great!

    June 20, 2012 at 10:48 am

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