My water heater discharge is leaking on the out side, Please HELP!!!?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

solar water heater
Image by Ajay Tallam
Solar cooker and hot water heater, yay!

Question by rana: My water heater discharge is leaking on the out side, Please HELP!!!?
My water heater discharge has leak (PVC pipe) on the outside the house. I have one of those water heaters that are connected to solar panel on the roof. I bypassed this morning, which stops water going to solar panel. However, I still have water drop and at the same speed. It has not slow down at all. Can some one help me….

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2 Responses to My water heater discharge is leaking on the out side, Please HELP!!!?

  1. I never heard of a solar panel that needs water ? why would it need water it don’t get hot ?
    There should be a value on the side of the water heater, it could be bad or there can be a problem inside the water heater without knowing the brand of water-heater you have and system really hard to say what could be wrong The discharge pipe and valve is to prevent the water heater which is under pressure from you water supply from exploding if you plug the discharge pipe its going to build pressure Ive seen water heater damages when they explode rip out walls your roof Ive see water heater fly 50ft into the air and smash a car Ive seen a lot of stuff in my life some of it on purpose I am guessing that either the pressure regulator is bad or something wrong with the water heater pressure Generally the solar panel only provides the electricity to the water heater I never seen one installed with water lines?

    hope it helps

    December 15, 2013 at 5:00 am

  2. sounds like your relief valve is no good shut off water and replace the valve you can pick one up at any hardware store

    December 15, 2013 at 5:14 am

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