My Blue Eyed White rabbit likes to drink goat milk?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by becky_bercovich: My Blue Eyed White rabbit likes to drink goat milk?
My rabbit id almost a year old and i gave it goat milk once and he cant stop drinking it and idk wat to do?He isnt sick even it’s veternarian said that , could that be okey just to make sure?=]

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4 Responses to My Blue Eyed White rabbit likes to drink goat milk?

  1. if he has been drinking it over half a year, it will be fine, but if it has only been a few weeks, dont give it anymore because its throat could plug up with milk

    Katia D
    August 9, 2012 at 4:40 pm

  2. Adults slowly lose the ability to process milk, and he could get sick if he has too much of it because his body can’t break it down (the same as lactose intolerance in people).

    He likes goats milk because it is fattening. I wouldn’t feed him milk, but you can give him plenty of veggies and lettuce (not iceberg lettuce).

    Danielle B
    August 9, 2012 at 4:59 pm

  3. Ok ok let me quote you here “i gave it goat milk once and he cant stop drinking it” Alright. So… YOU gave it goat milk once, and he can’t stop drinking it?… So does said bunny go to the fridge and get himself some? Im pretty sure he CAN stop drinking it, if YOU stop giving it to him. Milk is disgusting enough for humans, dont give it to a one year old rabbit. The only milk your rabbit ever needed was its mothers milk when it was a baby. Rabbits like veggies, pellets, hay, fruits, peanut butter, treats specified for them. Lots of fresh water. Stop doing this to your animal please.

    August 9, 2012 at 5:16 pm

  4. he has been drinking it a long time its fine! so anyways…. he is probably addicted to the goat milk, it is creamy probably. soif anything were to happen like he got rashes ( which i dont think will happen ) then youd bring him to a vet, otherwise nothing will happen, its sorta like a drug addicting ( by the way i DO NOT do drugs ) well dont overdose your little bun-bun on goats milk but he will be fine :)<3

    Lexi B
    August 9, 2012 at 6:10 pm

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