My 1 month old rabbit likes to eat fresh sweet corn very much.Is it right to continue feeding it everyday?

Filed under: Goats |

goat milk
Image by jamesonf
Some people on the trip actually went down there to milk; I just want some damn cheese!

Question by Kuku: My 1 month old rabbit likes to eat fresh sweet corn very much.Is it right to continue feeding it everyday?
My rabbit is rather choosy with foods that i give.Is it advisable to let it drink goats milk and tap water?It doest like to eat the pellets i give it and prefers fresh vege.

By the way,my rabbit weighs only 200 gram.

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2 Responses to My 1 month old rabbit likes to eat fresh sweet corn very much.Is it right to continue feeding it everyday?

  1. Fresh veggies are always a plus for your rabbit.

    Dsafds F
    October 27, 2013 at 4:13 pm

  2. Pellets aren’t necessary to a rabbits diet as long as they have constant fresh hay and a cup of veg. However corn is very fatty for a rabbit’s diet, i wouldn’t suggest feeding them this and the same goes for milk, rabbits just need to drink fresh water changed daily and preferably kept in a bottle so it doesn’t get spilt or dirty. As for veg has a good list of approved rabbit veggies. Be careful how you introduce new food to a rabbit, their stomachs need time to adjust to new foods, so introduce new foods a little bit at a time to start with.

    Oh and I just noticed you said 1 month. These rabbits should only be eating hay at this age preferably timothy or at least meadow

    October 27, 2013 at 4:40 pm

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