Mommies, what can I do with a butternut squash and chicken breast for dinner with my toddler?

Filed under: Poultry |

broiler chickens
Image by dreyboblue
This Pork Chop is so moist and simple that your kids might even mistake it for chicken…Start with lean, boneless chops..Dry season pork chop with Trader Joes’ Poultry Seasoning..Place in Broiler Pan and Broil till done crispy brown on the top, or grill on George Foreman Grille 7-10 min or until done.
Peel, section, carrots and beets, chop purple cabbage into small wedges and steam in steamer basket with 1-2 inches water. When you can stab the beet easily with a fork its done.
Fried Rice…Pre-Prepare Cooked White Rice.
Cut Raw Bacon into 4-5 small pieces each..Fry, set aside, crumble..
Chop Red Bell Pepper, Red Onion and Celery bits. Mix together..cook on med-high in the hot bacon grease till finished/browned..Dont forget to put the bacon bits in.Pile it on a plate and go to town!!

Question by S.Z.: Mommies, what can I do with a butternut squash and chicken breast for dinner with my toddler?
Moms, I need meal ideas for dinner tonight… I have some chicken breast and a butternut squash I need to use.

I was hoping to make them as a one dish kind of thing, not separate, so combine the two.

Any ideas?

Something baby would approve of, so nothing spicy or super fancy lol.
Something baby would approve of, so nothing spicy or super fancy lol.

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4 Responses to Mommies, what can I do with a butternut squash and chicken breast for dinner with my toddler?

  1. not to creative sorry! just bake them both! 375 degrees for about 20-30 minutes. salt, pepper, garlic salt on chicken cut into cubes. butter and brown sugar or cinnamon on squash. mash it like potatoes!

    March 27, 2013 at 2:48 am

  2. Do you have rice and chicken broth? Make the rice in the chicken broth, steam the butternut squash and bake the chicken. Or, if you can think of a way to create a casserole from those 4 ingredients.

    Maybe I'm Amazed
    March 27, 2013 at 3:31 am

  3. Do you have a potato you can bake too? I make squashed potatoes, like twice baked but stuffed with the boiled, mashed squash mixed with the inside of the baked potato,. Mix in some butter and salt and pepper, put it back in the jacket and slide it under the broiler for a couple minutes. This can be done on a large scale and then frozen, reheat half a potato in the micro wave any time. For adults I would season with a little cumin. Baby might like that too as it is not hot or pungent. Bake the chicken breast while the potato is baking and slice it into strips across the grain. instant finger food for the little one.

    March 27, 2013 at 4:19 am

  4. chicken and squash lasagne
    chicken meat balls and mashed squash
    chicken and squash risotto
    mini chicken strips and butternut squash “chip” (slice and fry as chips)

    March 27, 2013 at 5:07 am

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