Mini Polytunnels inside a Polytunnel “Double Glazing”- V81

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A mini polytunnel, portable plant protector, small space polytunnel. Perfect if you are limited for space, want to try your hand at a new hobby or rediscover an old one. Great for patio’s, yards, small gardens and raised beds. Why not use a mini polytunnel to protect tender plants inside your already existing polytunnel like “double glazing” in the colder months. If you want to discover more about mini polytunnels then contact us at

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2 Responses to Mini Polytunnels inside a Polytunnel “Double Glazing”- V81

  1. Hi Stelvans,
    Keep on planting! You never waste your time.
    The cabbages will certainly come through for you and probably the cauliflowers too. I am not sure yet about the sprouts but they will certainly grow and you will be able to eat them as they were cabbages anyway.
    Thanks for watching
    Paul P

    April 30, 2012 at 4:29 pm

  2. well done mate that was really helpful i have a new polytunnel and have just planted cabbage sprouts and colliflower am i wasting my time help

    April 30, 2012 at 4:40 pm

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