Milk For Life

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goat milk
Image by Ken_Mayer

goat milk
by Ken_Mayer

Article by Charmaine

Milk For Life – Health – Nutrition

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In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, working individuals are prone to neglect proper diet or regular meals. High reliance on fast foods often results in high consumption of saturated fats, cholesterol, simple sugars and sodium. Those who skip meals are also certain to miss out on vital nutrients for their bodies.

A complete and balanced nutritional formula can help achieve a balanced and appropriate intake of necessary nutrients, especially when a meal itself is inadequate. Milk and diary products are rich sources of calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and protein, which are all essential for healthy bone growth and development.

Adequate consumption of milk and diary from early childhood and throughout life can help to make the bones strong and protect them against diseases like osteoporosis – a debilitating brittle bone disorder, in later life. The high levels of calcium and phosphorous in milk and diary products are also beneficial for the development and maintenance of healthy teeth. Consumption of milk and diary products are associated with numerous health benefits. With so many types and flavors available in the market, drinking milk can really be a delightful and delicious choice.

The difference between Goat Milk and Cow Milk?In comparison. Goat milk is easier to digest and absorb as it has softer and finer protein curd than cow milk. Moreover, goat milk naturally contains bio-active factors such as Nucleotides, Polyamines and Taurine which benefit gut and immune functions.

Unpasteurized Fresh Goat Milk is not suitable for kids!Unpasteurized Fresh milk contains high protein levels. It may place undue stress on the child’s digestive system. Furthermore, unpasteurized fresh milk is deficient in Folic Acid and Iron which is required for the formation of red blood cells in the body.

Is goat milk Heaty?No, it is not heaty! Goat milk contains good nutrients which helps to enhance growth, increase immune function and maintain bone density.

Is it suitable for kids who is lactose intolerant?All milk from mammalian species contain lactose. However, sometimes cow milk protein intolerance (CMPI) is misdiagnosed as lactose intolerance. In cases of CMPI, Goat milk can be an effective alternative.

What is CMPA?Cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA) is a reaction to cow’s milk that results from a hypersensitive immune response to one or more milk proteins. CMPA is the most common food allergy that affects babies and kids. Most kids outgrow the allergy when they reach adolescence.

CMPA shows up in a variety of forms. The sign can come on suddenly or over a period of hours to days after ingesting the milk. Most kids with CMPA may have more than one symptom. However, all theses symptoms are not specific to CMPA only because they are also symptoms of other medical problems. Therefore, if you suspect that your kid is allergic to cow’s milk protein, please do consult your doctor immediately.

In cases of CMPA, Goat Milk can be a good alternative.

About the Author

Charmaine is an author of Portable Keyboard, Goat Milk and incredibles

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