Mexican Urban legend?

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Question by jorge a: Mexican Urban legend?
has anyone ever head of the story of a girl who went to a girl in juarez. she was dancing with a manthen she looked at his feet and found that he had chicken and goat feet(the devil) and then the club started stinking of sulfur. if you have heard tell me what else you know and any links at all involving the story would be really usefull thank you!

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3 Responses to Mexican Urban legend?

  1. I wonder what the person who made up the story was on. Must be very strong. I’d try to google it. Good luck!

    September 3, 2012 at 5:05 pm

  2. Never heard of it. Did she find the images of Jesus and Mary in her margarita that night, too?

    I am sure there are many parts of Ciudad Juarez that smell like sulphur…..lots of missing dead girls, too. Maybe they should investigate that building.

    September 3, 2012 at 5:46 pm

  3. Yes, I’ve heard of it. Not sure if this was my original source, but here you go:

    Maybe Next Year
    September 3, 2012 at 5:49 pm

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