know any urban legends?

Filed under: Poultry |

urban chickens
Image by robot_zombie_monkey
A bunch of us went out to St. Johns to visit Eric’s (and Ben’s) chicks. This was their second time outside and they were having a grand old time.

Question by nmccabe: know any urban legends?
i recently heard an urban legend about a girl with a sore throat and could hardly swallow.. she went to the doctors and they asked what she had last eaten, she told him it was a mc chicken sandwhcih from mcdonalds, and that she had actually left it in her car from the previous day because she couldnt finish it as her throat started to hurt (she thought they had over done it on the salt) they sent it off to the lab and the results came back that there was 5 different types of sperm in the mayonaise.. GROSS!
now i know this most probably isnt real but i was wonderin if anyone else has heard some.. they are fun to read!
let me know 🙂
oh my lord!! i’ve heard that one too!! but instead it was a boil inside the chicken… thats really made me ill now lol!!!

i also heard about a girl going out at night with her friend and met this hot guy in a club, they snogged a few times and she got his number. the next day she started getting rashes round her mouth.. the worse case of herpes EVER.. she went the doctors about it and while she was in the waiting room and she caught the front page of the paper somone was reading… it had a picture of the guy she had snogged and it read. alleged necrophilia on 4 young girls!!!!
she later discoverd the rash had been passed on from the dead girls’ mouths!!! EERRRLKKK!!! got anymore???

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5 Responses to know any urban legends?

  1. im never eating a mc chicken sandwich again 🙂

    July 7, 2012 at 10:44 pm

  2. I think that story was actualy true you know it’s vile and it’s also been found to be the case is other restaraunts and chippy’s around the country …….I suggest you invest in a good cook book and cook your own lol

    July 7, 2012 at 10:54 pm

  3. I think this is the original story, the fact that your story is different should be a good indication that this whole story, yours and mine are both false.

    It concerns a girl who orders a McChicken Sandwich from McDonald’s with no mayonnaise. She then proceeds to leave the restaurant before eating the sandwich, only to discover there is mayonnaise on it. Not too fazed, she finishes it and thinks no more of it.

    The next day she is ill with stomach cramps. It gets so bad she is taken to the hospital, where her stomach is duly pumped. The contents of her stomach are then sent to the lab for analysis.

    She is later informed that she ingested a cyst belonging to a chicken. She then realizes that is was the chicken’s cyst which had burst as she bit into her McChicken Sandwich which gave the look of mayonnaise.

    True or false? FALSE!!!

    Info Guru
    July 7, 2012 at 11:43 pm

  4. this is a true story that is going around where I live so this girl was sucking some guys dick and then they had sex. The next day she had some funny stuff around her mouth so she went to the doctors and the doctors didn’t know what it was, it wasn’t herpies, or and STD. They lab analysis came back and it should that the stuff around her mouth was caused by touching a lot of dead people. She didn’t touch any dead people and was confused how it happened until she realized that the guy who’s dick she sucked worked at a funeral home and turns out he sometimes has “sex” with the dead bodies

    Quail Man
    July 7, 2012 at 11:46 pm

  5. Yup word on the street is if you go by Mcshamus’s house and cus his girlfriend he cuts of 3 of your fingers.

    Rugby Fan
    July 8, 2012 at 12:35 am

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